How many Oil barrels for her?

How many Oil barrels for her?

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Is that a penis?

That’s a man.


negative 40 barrels


men can never be female

it is physically not possible

you will never be feminine

you will always be masculine

you were born male

you will die male

1 empty one

way more feminine than your females

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that trap has a dick much bigger than mine, how is that even possible?


females have vaginas, a vagina is the definition of feminine

males have penises, penises are the definition of masculine

your fetish does not change this

Weird flex

understanding this information makes me more intelligent than every reddit user

blame your beta ancestors, user.

Cringe reddit tier comment

females also have feminine bodies
meanwhile your females look like whales or some unesthetic hyperinflated ass

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Damn, he cute

One fat oiled up one.

You didn't really follow today's news, did you?

Thats gay user

i think you are too stupid to understand, luckily im intellectual alot more so than you so i will explain

men have penises (masculine)

females have vaginas (feminine)

men can not become women in this universe its impossible they will always be masculine regardless of what clothing they wear

your personal ferish changes nothing

your opinion and what you think changes nothing you are insignificant

I still fap to this. Furiously.

Your "facts" change nothing.

ah yes, genitals is all that make up gender
when you see people on the street, you always have trouble telling their gender because they tend to keep their privates hidden

thanks for accepting that im correct and you are wrong :)

your personal fetish and what you think does not and will never change reality

exactly thanks for understanding

genitals = gender

So you therefore ask the person to show his/her genitals in order to be sure what gender they are, right?

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That's a man.

no because you can always tell a shemale is a shemale instinctively you dont have to ask to see their genitals or mutilation hole, nature has already got that covered

I didn't say you were wrong.
I'm just saying that liking this does not make me gay or homosexual in any way. I can play with dicks and suck them - and that doesn't mean anything.

not a day goes by were i dont have the entire discord on the ropes

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its a strapon you retards man im going back to pol i only came here to see you retards cry about oil, you dont even have memeflags

yeah unironcally that makes you gay, but it will never make you a female even if you do it in womens clothes


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>genitals = gender

There is no such thing as gender.

There is only SEX.

genitals dictate gender so to think anything other than that is absurd and incredibly stupid, are you a midwit? special classes at school?

hm.. really??
I mean, your body responds on hormones, not on genitals.

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that chin/jaw

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and genitals produce hormones stop doing this to yourself

A man doesn't become a woman simply by virtue of the fact that he is able to hide his masculine features and trick other people by giving them incomplete or flat out wrong information. The sky is still blue even if you paint the ceiling red.

Have it, incel.

The sky isn't blue... It's a reflection of the ocean...

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There are only 2 sexes. male and female, gender is in your mind.