>oil negative
Does that mean I'm getting paid to buy it?
Oil negative
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Literally, yes. That is what it means.
yes, but it's up to you to figure out the logistics
just dump the oil into the fucking river and use the profits to buy more oil lmao
is shorting USdollar a good idea right now?
No, because the rest of the world are printing money out of thin air too.
Why did you need to make a thread to ask this when every other threads asks this.
I thought we were borrowing more money from Jews to turn us into eternal debt slaves
What are you gonna get from shorting it? Dollars?
No, but shorting canada dollar is, due to correlation with oil.
although, price being negative, means your account could just be "$0" and you'll still be able to get paid a million dollars worth of oil
Yes. However, you're expected to be able to deliver and store it, which will cost you far more than what you'll make from buying it.
>I literally share this board with total brainlets like this
Jesus christ guys read a book, educate yourself
yeah, but good luck when you end up with 1000 barrels of oil at your doorstep and you need to figure out what to do with it.
>yeah, but good luck when you end up with 1000 barrels of oil at your doorstep and you need to figure out what to do with it.
just burn it
you guys are literal brainlets, you literally think somebody delivers barrel of oils to ur doorstep? The price of a barrel of oil does not account for the cost of the barrel, it's literally a measurement of oil holy shit how can u guys be this stupid? didnt u go to school i learned this shit when I was 14
I'm afraid you're the stupid one here. Not sure if I should school you on how a future contract works or let you embarass yourself even more. KYS.
yeah bro have fun buying barrels of oil and expecting them at ur doorstep LMAO what are costs of transport? what are costs of barrel? KYS
Go to the oil futures contract specs here: cmegroup.com
See: "Settlement Method: Deliverable"
Not being able to make the difference between cash-settled futures vs physically delivered futures... you're such a brainlet
yeah yeah.. keep thinking that getting 1000 barrel of oils shipped to ur house gains u money, I don't know if I have to explain basic economics, you can start with crashcourse on economics on youtube if u are interested to learn the bare basics
get a load of this faggot changing the goalpost after the got BTFO.
>you literally think somebody delivers barrel of oils to ur doorstep?
>keep thinking that getting 1000 barrel of oils shipped to ur house gains u money
Holy fucking shit. How the fuck are you not dead yet from the cope and the shame?
Im not moving goalposts, read back this retarded post
It's free money retard just put them in guest room
>getting paid does not make you money
There's no such thing as free money, im pretty sure the stocks going into negative is a bug of some sorts, otehrwise people would be millionares by now. dumbass
its not a bug. there's nowhere to store oil, so people are willing to pay to get rid of it.
Surplus oil is considered like trash. You pay peope to get rid of trash.
Not even the most hardhitting brainlet meme picture would do justice to your stupidity
>im pretty sure the stocks going into negative is a bug of some sorts
Jesus fucking christ. Keep going. The cognitive dissonance you'll experience once you realize how uninformed and retarded you are will be glorious. Shame you won't be posting your reaction here.
pro tip: the following posts will BTFO so hard for your retarded statement, that I advise you to leave this thread now and avoid the shame. Seriously, someone this dumb and uninformed shouldn't talk so much on public forums.
you're not a nice human being to be around mate
Yes, but you actually have to go pick it up.
If there's no place to store the oil, how come the ships can unload their oil on to land? doesnt make sense, if it was really full they would just rotate 180 degrees and swim back to the oil extraction sites