Remember that
China never loses
This isn't going to save their economy.
They're stocking up on energy for the upcoming war.
>oil falls below $0
Is it negative price now?
there will be no war
yes, go to your local gas station they are literally filling tanks for free
what makes you say that?
they are not that retarded if anything they will back down if things get too intense
china will build tinfoil containers to store all the free oil.
cant we to see all the mp4 of town drowning in oil and the south china sea becoming mega fucked when they leak and spill everywhere.
desu they'll prob try and stor it in some african nation and fuck them over instead
The US is going to start the war not China.
Don't forget the part when Chyna released a fucking bioweapon on the world.
who'd win on a war?
Nothing is going to happen because both have nukes.
Hmmm i
Trump is always bragging about his AMAZING and SO GREAT relationship with Xi. There is no war habbenin
cuck that will get raped by chinese army and lynched afterwards
I believe most americans still have some sanity in them
fuck off polnigger
I imagine the US would win but I'm not an expert
>China is lifting lockdown
>have literally millions of worker fast build oil storage facilities in a week like they did with the hospitals
>buy up all the excess supply while rest of the world is coofing
>become energy independent and completely abandons petrol dollar
Xi always wins baby.
US cannot invade china but china cannot invade US either
War over what?
The cockroaches. The only living being capable of living in a nuclear apocalypse.
Their economy hasn't had trouble for decades now. In fact, their attempts to buy up all of the oil only means they are securing themselves a physical bag of astronomical proportions when the prices climb back above $1, and Winnie The Pooh will make Netanayahu blush with how many shekels he'll conjure out of thin air.
>Chinese Plastic crap now cheaper than ever to produce
Goodbye, oceans. Goodbye, marine life.
Attacking us with a bioweapon, thereby destroying our economy.
Game theory posits neither side will use nukes in a war because of mutually assured destruction.
>I believe most americans still have some sanity in them
The US was much more sane before WW2, didn't want a war with Germany, but war was declared none-the-less.
you are a piece of shit
psycho fucktard hope you get the wuflu and die
we don't fight wars with guns and bullets and bombs anymore. we fight trade wars (US-China trade war), proxy wars (Crimea with Russia), and cyber wars (hackers and shit). any conventional warfare is only done with weaker opponents like the towelheads. anyone with nukes? you're just dealing with MAD, mutually assured destruction. that won't work and won't happen, by either side. wars are now fought through non-physical means. you don't bomb your opponents in the new millenium, you tariff them or hack their databases.
sorry schizos you're not getting the epic death count you want.
lol if you have seen any east asian army you would realize they are probably the most beta cuck paper tiger forces in the world, including china
i would bet real money their faulty shit would kill more of their own then ours
neck yourself warmonger
The n-word pass
Okay, Chang.
>Game theory posits neither side will use nukes in a war because of mutually assured destruction.
Game theory posits that mutually assured destruction makes people more trigger happy. If you destroy the other country first, they have no chance to destroy you. With hypersonic missiles you can nuke China in 10 minutes now
so I am a Chang for having at least a bit of sanity left
>With hypersonic missiles you can nuke China in 10 minutes now
>implying we don't have nukes in South Korea and Japan
It would be just a matter of seconds for us to nuke China.
I meant that both sides will fight a conventional war before using nukes.
So communism works now?
>i would bet real money their faulty shit would kill more of their own then ours
Possibly but they'd still have 5 times more manpower you could throw at them.
Not until we open up first nigger.
America is reopening
Your army is already heavily infected with the virus you retard.
The war, that USA started, is already ongoing you CIA brainwashed retard
Do we keep nukes in South Korea and Japan? I don't think so.
he's right though
and several American politicians and journalist helped them
>implying we don't control both countries with out military bases
>implying we don't have submarines patrolling the South China Sea
We will absolutely glass those fucking chink insectoids before they even knew what hit 'em.
Damn that virus which originated in the Wuhan biolab was actually released by the USA?
yeah no, it's hopeless talking reason to poltards. enjoy your nuclear fire.
ok chang
in all sincerity: China is royally fucked now because of coronachan. no one will want to do business with them anymore, if they can help it. if they can get out, they will. no one wants to be set up in China when the next coronachan, whatever it is, appears. not after this unprecedented shitstorm currently happening.
i hope they all starve to death. i really do, for what they did to the world with their wet markets. fucking argue with me, i dare you, you little bitch. i hope they all starve and we take over their country and fill it with white people instead, serves the chinks right.
CIA did a good job letting you tards forget about the "vaping" deaths in September/October.
Vaping deaths were vitamin E acetate in black market THC cartridges retard. This is some low-tier astroturfing you've got going on.
Alright mother fucker, let me break it down for you. The US spends more on the military than the next top 10 countries combined. We have 11 aircraft carriers with enough firepower on them to blow any country on earth to high heaven. Aside from a single aircraft carrier owned by the French, we are the only one to have nuclear powered carriers. To put that into perspective, China has two active carriers, and one them was Soviet made. Neither of them are nuclear powered, and neither of them have superior launching capabilities that ours have. The US has nearly more military aircraft than China and Russia combined, with absolutely superior combat capabilities. Our soldiers in both the Army and Marine Corps have more advanced equipment than any other country on earth. Military training in the west is superior in every way to that of the training done in the east. We have a massive fleet of drones capable of destroying a target without even needing boots on the ground. As someone in the military that can confirm all of this, we would absolutely fucking stomp that communist piece of shit whinnie the poo looking mother fucker into an entirely different dimension. This goes without saying that every other western nation would also be on our side, so take the US military power and combine it with some of other most powerful, well equipped, and best trained military programs on earth and you have a force that could not only squeeze every last bit of life out of that dog shit communist shit hole, but could probably go to an alien planet and destroy their entire civilization.
assuming this were true i wouldn't even be mad at this point. i fucking hate the chinese now.