Oil price is negative

>oil price is negative
what's going to happen now?

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This is the first time it ever happened in history. No one knows what will happen next. Holy shit

we stay at home forever

this is the future

>take my oil, i'll pay you for it

Nukes are going to be used again this year, screenshot this.

are americans allowed to store many barrels of oil near their homes?


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Hope you guys like the desert

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But if oil is worthless there is no reason for war

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Hopefully Brent will follow soon so we can finally have WW3

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There will be a war for oil storage

sign up to store barrels of oil for some sweet passive income :^)

>Walk into gas station
>"Hey I'd like 10 gallons on pump 6"
>"Of course sir, let me just ring you up. That comes out to $28.32"
>Take the money, put it in my wallet
>Go fill up my tank with the gas I just got paid to take

Feels good to live in the Trump economy.

Foreign countries conspired to royally fuck the US economy.

why would there be a war?

We're going to fight a war over who takes the oil. Whoever loses gets all the oil.


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>Walk into gas station
>They're out of business

More likely scenario

oil is worthless. whats the point of fighting over it. its free.
are u retarded?

>have to pay for every barrel of oil you're forced to take

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The guy on CNBC is losing his mind.
Holy kek

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Read the post again brainlet

A month ago I bought puts with a negative strike price and they called me crazy. Today they call me a visionary.

It means when you go the pump and fill up you go in to get paid by the cashier.

Iraq invades us to give us their oil.