Is that really how this works and why aren’t we all buying in?
>delivery of oil
you got somewhere to put those barrel user?
This shit is a fucking bug in code
Brokers do not let you put orders of 0 so nobody in the world can buy. Computer is broken
you're not missing out on some gold opportunity, when all of this is settled the sites will crash and suddenly everyone will lose their "stocks"
it's an old meme
it's 1 now lol
now we wait for the idiots who think 'it cannot possibly go lower'
and then it goes to 0.001
it can go to 0.001 and then it can go to 0.0001 from there
Of you are ready to pay 5 million for a tanker delivery to your backyard, sure. Otherwise the oil future expires worthless.
>paying for oil
Oil is now literally a shitcoin what a time to be alive
Mfw father invested part of his life savings in oil in January
Can't we all go long now and become millionaires?
Because it's physical oil lmao
Brainlet here, how do we win big from this?
Unless you have a direct connection to Cushing, OK and empty storage tanks, you don't.
Last time you fags told me it was over I still have to live through two months of normal nigger hell
Fucking negative now. I'd take the money, I can store a few barrels in my garage
-300% today
Good to hear I won't be wasting away another opportunity, thanks user.
yay! free oil!
The oil price is negative. They will literally pay you to take it off their hands as they have nowhere to store it.
>Good to hear I won't be wasting away another opportunity, thanks user.
Yeah, you'd need to take delivery today to profit. All these paper traders are losing their ass right now because they don't ever take delivery. If they did take it, their profit margin would evaporate.
>They will literally pay you to take it off their hands as they have nowhere to store it
>nowhere to store it
This is what you get when you trade paper rather than the actual commodity.
I'm a cryptofag should i buy it now wait for even more? also where do i buy ( I guess robin hood) and which stock should i buy?
I have quite a few bathtubs in my basement (don't ask). Is there some kind of law about storing oil though?
Wrong, you have until the end of the month
Bring your own oil tanker, bros
Where do I go into buying this stuff, I want to make some money when the price goes back to the way it was.
what the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
It spoils, to buy on that market I bet there's some certs you gotta have to make sure you're not just going to dump it too.
"Don't buy a barrel of oil," the broker repeated after I had outlined my reasoning, declining the offer of my business with grim finality. The gas trader nodded sagely.
"Could a barrel of crude really kill me?" I asked a petrochemical engineer captive to my persistent, doubtlessly annoying questions. It absolutely can, he said. Hydrogen sulfide gas—H2S, for short—has a terrible propensity to evaporate from crude, knock out your olfactory capabilities, and slowly suffocate you to death.
Further research turned up this gem (PDF) from a state safety agency: “If you inhale ethyl alcohol vapors in a concentration of 1,000 ppm (0.1 percent by volume) for eight hours, you may get drunk. If you inhale hydrogen sulfide in a concentration of 1,000 ppm (0.1 percent by volume) for only a few seconds, you will be dead."
It is at this point that I conceded defeat. Storing oil, it turns out, requires incredibly good ventilation and a rock-solid insurance policy, both severely lacking at my 400-square-foot New York apartment.
My favourite face of this
All was not lost, however. If a barrel of crude oil would kill me, a small amount would certainly make me stronger.
A well-known oil inspection company was called and a respectable-size bottle of crude procured, soon to wing its way to Manhattan via FedEx. By my calculations, this jar of oil is worth approximately 24¢ on the spot market. In March, it will be worth 31¢, based on futures prices. My storage costs are zero and my financing costs are low, so I expect to be able to pocket a whopping 7¢. The consultant informed me that the glass bottle was worth more than the oil inside it.
well. looks like my dreams of nuclear engineering are dead. time to clock in at mcdonalds boys.