20+ million jobs were lost in just a few weeks

>20+ million jobs were lost in just a few weeks
>it takes 6 months on average and several hundred applications to find a job (if you’re not a chad or stacy)
>economists are unironically expecting all these jobs to come back the moment the lockdown is over
If you’re still invested in stocks or are bullish, may god help your soul

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lol at taking 6 months, i guess im a lawyer chad. took me a month after getting laid off from oil and gas.

>takes 6 months to find a job
What the actual fuck son it takes like a few weeks maybe.

Sure, if you have references and 5+ years experience as a sous chef at Wendy's

It depends entirely on what you do, what the market for that job is like, and how long the hiring process is. The recommended size of an emergency fund is 3 to 6 months because that's on average how long it takes to find another. If it only took a couple weeks, no one would recommended keeping that much cash stockpiled.

Most of those jobs were restaurant and retail, large percentage will come back upon re-opening

imagine how useless you and your job must be to have been lost during this thing

boy im appplying for them cleaning jannie jobs and like they get 800 applications for one fucin position is harrr out here nigga niggas really diggin ain got no degreeee

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At my company a large amount of sales people and maintence technicians got laid off. It's not just retail and restaurants being affected, dude. If retail and restaurants shut down, guess who else gets shut down? All the people and businesses who support those industries. It's a ripple effect, so don't try to play this off as only affect poor people.

Well I have a PhD in Physics currently funemployed on a pile of crypto and stocks. Sent out over 50 applications but no one seems to be hiring at the moment.

ya damn nigga stugglin in this bich

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These jobs are 95% unskilled retail, restaurant jobs. They will be filled weeks after these places open back up.

Don’t be a fucking moron.


>after these places open back up.
>He thinks all the businesses are coming back

>These jobs are 95% unskilled retail, restaurant jobs. They will be filled weeks after these places open back up.

This statement screams to me that you have never tried to look for a job yourself and probably got everything handed to you via connections.

Can confirm. Engineering Physics background here, working in logistic/supply chain optimization and I was laid off.

This crash got rid of all the useless HR Roasties (nonessential employees). The days of companies having enough money to waste on useless diversity hires is over.
Companies like to pretend they have morals which is why they appeal to the left with the diversity meme. But in the end its all about profits and companies will fire all of their Stacy's and Tyrones to keep their bottom line low

why would people even bother looking for jobs when the govt is handing the all helicopter money via unemployment? I have a friend who works in construction and he says half the workers there are refusing to show up because they are making more money from govt gibs than they would if they worked.

It took me a year to find the job I have now.

>they are making more money from govt gibs than they would if they worked.
just shows how fucking garbage this country's wages are, doesn't it?

>Work in telecoms, loads of IT experience, remote setups, shit like that.
>May potentially be furloughed if things dont pick up soon

How fucked am I bros?

there is no "coming back". this is it. it's over. it might take a few more months for people to catch on to whats really happening but yea. theres no scenario in which capitalism can recover from this. Marx was right years ago. We sold China the rope and they hung us with it.

Just do it for free. It's a janny tradition


You've got the aspect ratio of a dildo nigger

When can I see my girlfriend again?????
I'm really horny

And I thought it would take indoctrination, media control, and (((medicines))) to turn us into blacks

the federal govt is infringing on your human right to have sex

>just shows how fucking garbage this country's wages are, doesn't it?
$600 a week in unemployment
$600 a week in extra govt gibs

$4800 a month

$57,600 a year to sit on their butts doing nothing and the next stimulus package is going to add more

damn, crazy that companies pay so little that staying home is more beneficial.

Physics PhDs are no joke the least employable people in the WORLD.

I almost came from a wet dream today