Old shellshocked marine here

Is $100 - $200 even possible
I don’t know what’s real and meme anymore guise
Should I still keep holding on
Will this war ever end

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Why aren't you selling

How does $500000000000000000000000000000000000 sound?

Do you think I should sell

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It sounds absurd and highly unlikely

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Nice trips
$1000 eoy

crypto as a whole has been bear since 2018. When the bull comes Link will outperform everything IMO. Probably later this year after the halving

When do you think the next bull will come
This year
Next year
When is steaking
How high will it go in a bull
Am I really going to make it

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Satanic trips, watch your six and stay fuckin’ frosty marine.
Run up this year with actual bull beginning EOY and running into 2021 (just a guess)
Nobody knows
Nobody knows
Only those who never sell will make it

Well I’ll keep on holding then marine
This is my spiritual war

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Dude what the fuck is going on with these digits

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Digits and my 200 links make me a millionaire

$200 eoy

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Absolutely checked

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Daily reminder Kek is real.

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I believe in him I’ve seen his magic manifest in reality before
Link memes are starting to phase into reality

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Based schitzo

Can someone explain this image to me pls

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Who else is having a comfy as fuck Monday
Today my cute feet goth gf went to work and I spent the whole day just lounging in bed
Had 3 self indulgent cooms back to back ordered a coffee with a delicious croquet Madame and watched a bunch of insanely based Keith Woods content ordered a bunch of beer and vaped a shitload of weed
Drunk and high as balls in bed watching E. Michael Jones on YouTube and thinking about getting some sushi for dinner gf still not back yet I’m in fucking heaven boys

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$100 is possible if there's a bullrun or some shit which will probably take years i could be wrong. Also at this point announcements don't do much for crypto. If I were OP i would sell and diversify a bit don't expect to make it just buy holding LINK. I'd say wait till LINK htis $10 then start selling.

What do I buy
I always envisioned myself holding all the way to $100 dollars and then selling 40,000 link for 4 million dollars and then if it crashes to $50 just buy back in and increase my stack or if it keeps mooning
Banking the 4 mil and keeping that last 10,000 link staked until $1000 link then selling for 10 million

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not a chance link goes to 1k. I'd say $10-20 is possible you see link memes start to die off once it hits double digits. I can't tell you what to buy you should have a idea especially with more than 100k in crypto.

I’m just going to hold if it goes to zero then gg

But why? I never understand this mentality. Why not sell after link pumps an absurd amount in a short time frame? You KNOW link is going to dump again. You KNOW your profits will disappear. Those same profits could be used to buy more linkies during the dip.

$10 is probably an eventuality for link. With just 50k, you're ngmi with only 500k. Isn't it in your best interest to swing and accumulate more? I just do not understand why people are so autistically insistent on holding instead of, you know, sometimes selling when it pumps 20% in a few hours because of the INEVITABLE fucking correction.

buy high sell low

Until it isn’t

what does this schizo shit mean?

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Because I believe in link simple as that
It could go to the moon at any time and I want to be 100% sure I’m onboard when it happens
There’s going to be another bull market and link is going go parabolic just like Antshares in 2017 probably even more so considering how strong link’s fundamentals are
We are going to enter the $300 range and that’s all there is to it
Bull run commences this year and peaks early next year
Who knows how high link will run it might be the most insane thing anyone was ever seen

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No but you should give your links to me instead. I'll baghold them for you

digits confirm never selling

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Checked Satan
We going $1.35 eow

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>he doesn't know
>he also writes like a plebbitor

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