Should i set one up? Seeing a lot of people doing this lately.
How much are you guys making running an Idena node?
Other urls found in this thread:
i make 2.5 pajeets an hour
No idea yet, I'm waiting for my first flippening
This is how much you can earn as a “newbie” per week:
Flips: ~ 50 dna
validation: ~ 50 dna
Mining: ~ 150 dna
How much “verified” nodes make per week:
Flips: ~ 50 dna
validation: ~ 50 dna
Mining: ~ 150 dna
Invites: ~ 100 dna
And “human” nodes make even more.
So as a verified node you would earn like $200 per month which is not bad for spending like 5 mins on this every week. Also you don’t need any technical knowledge or GPU requirements its really easy.
from last validation session, excluding mined dna
Damn thats crazy are you a “human”?
~4000 DNA in a month over 8 nodes ranging from Human to Newbie
This was when I was verified + 2 invitees passing validation (one first, one second validation)
2nd and 3rd invitee validation reward is hooge
I'm candidate status and made 4 flips so far in the wallet. Should I do more?
Are these nodes you recruited?
watch a video of the validation session
Also as candidate your flips are only for practice, you can't submit them.
There are more profitable ways to make it sirs :)
74 rupees are enough to feed a family of 5. We are in this together sirs!
Some of those flips are so awful, have they improved since? That one with two rivers and 2 boats
I'd guess left.
What do these nodes even do?
>Nightmare mode: no poojeet buzzwords
normie node farm.
paying irl normie frens to validate.
mining between sessions.
Unironically why we need sharding in the future for consensus to deal with potential bad actors farming nodes
the 1 human = 1 identity idena ethos is still upheld with the normie node farm. 1 human is still operating 1 identity each validation session.
it may not be profitable for much longer, but have no problem paying money to make money (even at marginal losses) when DNA valuation will be multiples higher in the coming weeks.
also, you're retarded.
sharding would have no effect on node farms, since each node still needs ~1 human to validate itself each validation session.
you can ssh tunnel from any one PC to multiple different machines to passively mine multiple nodes, but 1 human per node is still need for validation.
Cant wait to get my invitation rewards going, on Human status with 2 invites you can reach like 500-600 DNA in one validation if all your invitees perform well
That’s a fair point, I’m thinking more in terms of potential sybil attacks. I’m assuming you’re just pay your friends in cash and then keeping all the DNA? Not a bad deal tbqh if you’re producing in the thousands per month.
you got it, fren.
you should give it a try.
normies have quite a bot of free time to help you out these days.
this is fucking gross. Flips are supposed to be super easy.
first one looks like a river running into a sea and the second one a river, so it would be a decent boat for ocean and something to sail on a river?
but left one seems to imply some easy some kind of pairing. not only the story is garbage, the shuffle is also garbage
those flips are complete dogshit lmao
The problem is you get ALL the flips from 1 address
Let's say you get 6 flips in your short session and 18 in your long, 24 total.
You will not get 1 flip from 24 different addresses. You will get 24/4 = 4 flips each from around 6 different addresses. So if you're unlucky and 2 addresses make 4 shit flips each, you get 8 shit flips spread out over your short and long session. PLEASE remember to vote all bad flips even you know the correct answer.
24/6* reeee
currently ~ $120 / month on a $4 VPS
Wtf I wish I was home to market buy, if you got in at 1k sats you’re literally doubling your money in the next day or two.