/smg/ - Stock Market General

a new week
a new opportunity


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You still have some faith in the system, don't you?

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Why is netflix performing so well?

I don’t respect women, bros

2nd for thank you based gooseposter

>shinkansen does not run on oil???

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25 million filed for unemployment, majority of country locked down?

S&P 4000 this summer

is this it? does it begin already today? i thought we would go atleast another week of nonsensical pumping before dumping

Why do you think? Any company that can service people in the home should be doing well

how do i emulate him bros?

nevermind i'm going to kms

because every person in america is shut-in watching stream shows right now. viewer numbers at next earnings are going to be up 10% or more

This will be a green day mark my words


Sold my XOM at the end of day Friday for that nice 10% profit. Of you held over the weekend with earnings coming up. You are retarded and have no business here

Bear trap before the pump. Then dumperino

Cardio and Arrogance.

United Airlines on Monday reported a $2.1 billion pretax-loss in the first quarter as the coronavirus outbreak drove travel demand down to the lowest level in decades.

This is breaking news. Check back for updates.

I haven’t watched Netflix since the lockdown. Been enjoying prime. Better selection and no SJW jewish shit.

be ESFP and good looking

Anyone with any tips on Forex gay-trading?
I'm done with this clown market.

It’s gonna be at least June before any dumping probably later

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trump please stop shitposting and tell jerome and your boomercore army to buy all the us oil they can. I want my money back

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I have 0 streaming services

>random antisemitic comment
Leave you piece of shit

>paying for subscription services
torrent and put subscription fees into investing.

Thanks I held, gonna profit some more today on this wonderful oil plunge.
All this does for XOM is making sure there will be less competitors in the decade ahead.

Most American households already have a subscription, I don’t think Netflix makes money just because people who already have a subscription are spending more time using their service.

How big of a pump do you think its going to be before open? Should i buy?

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I guess you support drag shows for kids?

It's not random, just like the insertion of a tranny or a black male white female couple in every netflix show isn't random either.

It can't get much lower than this.
It can't get much lower than this.
It definitely can't get much lower than this.
It can't get much lower than this.
It can't get much lower than this

post yfw financially ruined

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>Futures aren't at AT LEAST - 1000
It's going to be green today, isn't it?

Any reason for GILD to stay above 80?

>not holding XOM for a decade

Jew here. I support anything that makes me money.

Someone photoshop WTI prices on the gas sign

"Social Justice Warrior" is not antisemitic.

dilate faggot

>50% of Netflix content is some variation on kill whitey, big black cock, literally jewish sex cartoon and third world brown people modern day noble savage cope
>noticing this makes you immoral

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Why do you care what programming they have? Just don’t watch it. I just don’t want antisemitism in the thread.

Thoughts on the italian stock market?
Generational buy?

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Sure sure. That is only the starting of the bad earnings quarter. :)

And don't forget, it is only Q1. Q2 will be double bad.

Don't forget the pedophilia

KO bros how are we feeling today? Earnings tomorrow morning and I'm comfy as fuck with my 100% cola polrtfolio.

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No and the remdesivir study was garbage. There was no RCT it was no better than the HCQ study put out by the french guy.
It was a pump and dump unless they get some better science

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>still critiques children's cartoons

fuck off kike

why the fuck did I long and hold oil. I'm an idiot of galactic proportions

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I dont watch it if you dont like the language fuck off kike

Based, falling knife at it's finest.

you didn't buy some shit like USO so you can at least collect fat divvies whie you baghold, r-right?

Respect is earned
I don't respect Italians

Oil pretty much bottomed I think we’ll go lower but not before the market reaches new highs

There are several shades of "ruin."
One thing is having your house paid off and no money, another is foreclosure.

People aren’t going to stop noticing that half the time they find out who is orchestrating something corrosive to society and a durable moral future they have the same kind of funny last name, nose, curly hair and glasses

I've got some natural gas for you. Great price.

Double bad? Oh, no, Q2 will be much, much worse.

What's the best time today to buy calls on SPY???

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So who shorted oil last week? You must be feeling bretty gud.

>California’s stay-at-home order reduced vehicle collisions on roadways by a little more than half, saving taxpayers an estimated $1 billion since the order went into effect, according to a UC Davis survey that estimated the impact of the order on traffic.
>“The savings was about $40 million a day ... That’s about $15 billion over a one-year period, which is almost the size of the state portion of California’s transportation budget for a year,” said Fraser Shilling, co-director of the Road Ecology Center at UC Davis.
>The survey used data from California Highway Patrol incident reports, and the costs saving was calculated by using equivalent data from the Federal Highway Administration. Costs include property damage, treatment of injuries, lost time at work and emergency responses, among other costs.

the secondary and tertiary effects of this whole pandemic thing are pretty fascinating, not gonna lie. bullish.

>oil companies will pay dividends ever again
ok kid

>When someone pays you less than 5$ to give you their oil

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The whole country might dissapear in that hole in their hand. Wouldn't bet any money on those pasta fucks or any Med country for that matter.

probably an hour or two after open

Buy the dip?

This morning

buy technogym

A month ago

Shut the fuck up lefty pedo

This is good for oil majors in the long run.

They want prices to be low for some time to fuck over the small shale shitters.

They can sustain it and due to them being reliable dividend payers, it's close to mathematically impossible that their stocks suffer much. I don't believe they will see March lows again.

Is it enough to offset loss on taxes on even fuel consumption?

Q2 we will see the markets top for decades to come s&p 4000


average Yas Forums poster.

Are you stupid?

So glad I got out of arthersys when I did lol

USAC just announced 50 cent divvies. Dont know how the fuck, but some are committed.

Pretty good bait desu

It's only good for oil majors insofar as it is more bad for small producers, this is still shit for them as well, if indexes turn down again you will see new lows.

I'm thinking June

You think you can just sell stocks? HA
Where you going to put that cash huh?
The digital mattress known as bonds?
Falling real estate?
Non existent small business investment?
Oil cheaper than the barrel its in?
Gold? Bitcoin? Those will be next on my list.
I have won. And you have no choice.
Stocks ONLY go up

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> They want prices to be low for some time to fuck over the small shale shitters.
Yeah, well they’re fucking over ME...

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Stocks will go positive in the first hour

Prove me wrong

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>you can destroy Nations and every other institution but don't say the hecking no no word

Quality b8. Nicely done.

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Are you retarded? You just keep it in the bank? Or alternative asset managers like BAM...

>oil going back to dump even more
alright at this point it's just manipulated lmao

>You think you can just sell stocks? HA
>Where you going to put that cash huh?
>The digital mattress known as bonds?
>Falling real estate?
>Non existent small business investment?
>Oil cheaper than the barrel its in?
>Gold? Bitcoin? Those will be next on my list.
>I have won. And you have no choice.
>Stocks ONLY go up

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RTX, sell today?
I think it will drop through the session.

Well played, but if you don't buy today at bellow 40$, you will be losing the train.

And at least I'm not the douchebag commenting after the fact.

>Any reason for GILD to stay above 80?
Given that the study has been discredited already, no, they will probably drop below 80$ still today.

Those losses are paid by insurance companies. Those niggas are laughing to the bank during this pandemic

it's only like 7 episodes and a "where are they now" thing, though. also i think he fried his brain with the meth, everything was going pretty well in the beginning and then he just went down the rabbit hole of wanting to kill carol while doing meth with his gay (not gay) boyfriends.

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Sellin RTX as soon as it opens. Buying back later i hope it dips

>sold most of my oil friday
>but not all of it

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No, it's because whoever is holding the contract at expiry is liable to actually store the oil. Like how options expire I believe.

Must be tough being mad at SJW shit in your faggot anime and tv show slop that you need to consume for entertainment.
Maybe if you weren't an ADHD ridden incel you could read a book instead.

So you sell low and buy high

When the fuck is Orange Man going to save the US fracking industry? At least tweet something, anything.

>bought shittons of oil stock friday
excited for the daily races boys

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where did the bull power go?

we're falling into poverty

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>bought oil friday morning
>my fresh XOM went 10% in one day
And now it's down.. But don't panic. It will rise. Just hold for now. You didn't lose money until you sold.

Joe did nothing wrong, he didn't do meth.

I bought in at 61 made a nice profit so far

The tweet would have to be "I'm going to to nuke saudi Arabia"

I told Trump to make this "deal". The absolute madlad!
I am inevitable. Stocks will be the only asset. And they will only go up

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I hope we get a -600 opening and a -1000 close

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Get gassed kike

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Dude fuck off, stop baiting the 10 year olds. The market is about to open, oil is down 35 PERCENT. Talk about something else.

>the bull was he prepped?
>good, dump it

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>traffic down 60%
>airlines ded
>shipping ded
>storage for oil almost maxed out because as mentioned before DEMAND IS DED
>buy oil futures anyway
can you walk me through how your brains work? are you just going to hang on for 4 months+?

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What price will XOM dip to today?


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Made my first entry with 100 euro's Shell friday. Not that bad up until know but I am afraid to invest more as it might drop. But the oil price doesnt affect the stock as much as I expected so now I don't know anymore if I should wait or not.

> Buy puts at open
> Sell tomorrow about noon
> Buy calls
> Sell on Wednesday towards EOD, buy puts
You're welcome.

he literally did though. and other drugs. he admits it himself.

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