The worst joint-economic-financial crisis of the modern era is underway and it will be several magnitudes worse than The Great Depression.
U.S. unemployment is ripping into double digit percentiles. The euro is weakening against a dollar that is getting printed ad infinitum. European banks are cozying up to negative rates. US not far behind with negative rates in bonds market.
The Fed pulled out all of its ammo IN A SINGLE MONTH. Rates to zero, reserve requirements to zero, unlimited QE, trillion dollar daily repos, secondary facilities and TALF to buy junk bonds, and repo/dollar swaps to foreign banks.
The stock market is juicing on this and is completely decoupled from the reality that a $1,200 is only good for low-means neets and not the average normie let alone city dweller.
Unemployment will continue to climb and UBI will be the new standard. Corporate socialism is now complemented by actual socialism. The gov/Fed's only weapon at this point is the same weapon it has been using: to throw money at everything. Eventually, this will be even easier when the US digital currency program allows anyone to open a direct account at the Fed.
As MMT becomes the default monetary/fiscal policy in the states, the excess money printing will lead to rapid currency debasement, because the US fundamentally lacks the industry/manufacturing productivity to offset any inflation this printing will create.
Idk how long it will take, but the end game is this: central banking monetary policy will bifurcate the money base into soft money (fiat) and hard money (btc, gold/silver/precious ms, other commodities). The soft money will be used for certain day-to-day expenditures (rent, groceries) or expenditures that are mandated by the state. The hard money will be for saving, luxury purchases, international travel, etc.
As people finally wake up to rising prices and centrally-planned monetary policy (money printer go brrrr meme), they will be incentivized to look at the alternatives