Oil at 80's prices

>Oil at 80's prices
>Unemployment in US > 10%
>Fed printing USD like monopoly money
>Stock market in freefall

If you don't hold crypto at this point you're a brainlet

Attached: fed_printing_buy_crypto_compressed.gif (480x270, 3.2M)

i saw this coming 2 years ago and starting buying since the dip to 2.8k or whatever it was of dec 2018


That’s a funny way of spelling gold and silver OP

The virgin inflation schizo vs the Chad modern monetary theorist.

The US will nuke any country out of existence if they devalue the dollar. Rules of inflation need not apply if you got the muscle to back it up. Somethings worth what grug says it's worth or you get wham big stick whack whack.

Infinite QE market in freefall? enjoy your larpbux I guess. hope at the end you can get a real dollar or two back.

but dow is almost at ATH

>Rules of inflation need not apply if you got the muscle to back it up.
Yeah? What about if hyperinflation kicks in and US starts devouring itself?

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What if the Federal Reserve decides it's time to deal with BitCoin? Encourage Congress to ban it in the US...

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kek. that's not how things work. i know, you and your friends believe that but the military does not exist to save your trailer from seizure.

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But it does europoor

then the U.S.A gov has just made all its citizins poor for the future.

Holding BTC literally means you own 1’s and 0’s, which is nothing. You own absolutely nothing.


>he doesnt think that the US gov could simply declare all crypto exchanges as illegal money transmitters and crash BTC to sub $1000 within 1 week

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>Fed printing USD like monopoly money

This might be incorrect, there is huge liquidity problem that has been brewing for years as thd world relies on the dollar for loans. The eurodollar might pop, and a few trillion printed and kept in the us wont stop deflation

>more than 5000 away
I think you might be blind user.

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>nobody uses crypto as actual currency
>buying what's essentially a stock with perpetual splitting and no dividends

this is why Warren buffet spits on you sub-humans who have no intrinsic value just like your investments

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You think crypto won't dump twice as hard? Just you watch.

best bets are hedges nobody on twitter talks about and BIZ calls a shitcoin.

UNIFICATION user. UND. look it up.

>le brrrr
Reddit faggot

there is gonna be more panic which leads to less confidence in speculative markets. U can´t buy food with crypto, therefore another mass selloff will happen

If the stock market shits the bed, crypto shits the bed

Why are boomers like you so stupid.
You have nothing in your bank account because it is 1's and 0's.
Bitcoin can be cashed into that account easily.
By your logic the only money that's real is physical cash. Oh, stocks are 1's and 0's too. Better let the world know, shut it all down.


>oil at
whatever price the cartel sets
>counting temporary quarantine as an actual reading on unemployment
it's a fucking quarantine, claiming all of those people are just going to stay jobless is ridiculous and a deliberate lie
>fed printing money
every day, nothing changed
>stock market
Foreigners gambling with made-up money based on hypothetical numbers, that are interpreted as either catastrophic or wonderful depending on what bankers think of the president.

>crypto prices going insane too
what you didn't mention because you're trying to profit off of the instability and panic.

desu, that's how it's worked for the last 50 years. name a US conflict and let's talk about the real reason it happened. you thought we brought down Noriega to defend human rights in Latin America? we brought down Gadaffi to liberate Libya from a tyrant?

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I'm a brainlet even though I do ;)

Who ever said BTC was worthless?
