I have been on this shit for 2 weeks now. This is how much money i made so far.
Not much, right? But after contemplating upon the beauty of the stock market, i realized its potential and how people use it poorly. I unironically think i will become a millionaire within the next two years. Follow my rambling.
>all my money except survival and maintenance money will go to the stock market >options trading and margin are for degenerate gamblers and low iq retards >i will never learn options trading, ever. i will never use margin, EVER. >i will never sell my assets for less than i first bought them. EVER. Did you hear me, little nigga? I didn’t stutter. Never. I may have a -99% net loss, but i aint selling it. The company will go bankrupt before i fucking sell it. >once i have 6 figures, i will go all in SPY swing trading and slowly become a millionaire. Slow but guaranteed gains. >the stock market is literally and unironically free money
Is it that easy, niggers? Do you agree with me? Nevertheless, i will Just keep ignoring the pajeets and their shitcoins and the degenerate gamblers and follow this plan until i make it.
Congrats, I made 20% in a week in crypto and am staking for good returns. Stock market returns are only good with make it money, which is achieved by crypto. Grow a pair.
Luis Collins
>I will never learn options
Robert Moore
damn I just came from the other thread where this was posted. threads on biz are blogposts now aren’t they
Christian Carter
Wow its finally happened! It took hundreds of years, but someone finally knows how to beat the stock market. Congrats dude, please become a captain of industry with your untold riches that are bound to be coming to you shortly.
Jaxson Carter
Kek you made a couple good trades and think you’re a king shit.
it’s not like the fed is committing economic suicide with new policies, money is being printed at a record rate, and we might be on the way for another leg down, right?
Unless you're super rich, options trading is the only thing worth a damn in the stock market. How else can you turn your 4k into 100k. Buying and selling stocks is for faggots.
Gabriel Ross
>>i will never sell my assets for less than i first bought them. EVER. Did you hear me, little nigga? I didn’t stutter. Never. I may have a -99% net loss, but i aint selling it. The company will go bankrupt before i fucking sell it.
?? So your money is dead as soon as you've gone down 0.1% while some other stock is up 5%? Why is this a winning strategy?
Gavin Reyes
You sound like some useless droid who will lose everything during the financial collapse.
>t.my net worth fluctuates more than your entire investment each SECOND
Cameron Ward
Isn’t the market up 18% over the same span of time? You underperformed the market by ~33% op
Thomas Sullivan
swing trading and exponential gains, nigga. Example:
>i have 4000 bucks >i go all in Boeing (EXAMPLE) in certain trading day >It goes up 10% (EXAMPLE) >sell it >cash out 4400 >next day, go all in again >it goes down this time >no problemino, im not faggoterino, im not panic sellerino, i dont drink onions for luncherino >next day it goes back to baseline >no problem. I am gigachad chad and i have a big dick. I have high testosterone levels which provide me with utter confidence and calm. Im not selling, not until i made a profit. Fuckk jannies >next day it goes up 10% again (EXAMPLE) >now i made 440. Now i have 4840 bucks. >next day it goes down again >no problemino... my wife doesnt get rammed by tyrone on a daily basis and I don’t take intravenous onions everyday. My dick is big and i can satisfy females. >next day it goes back to baseline >no problems!!! Now i just need to wait until i made a profit! After all, i am not going to panic sell because i have two balls full of semen and i can impregnate any woman on the planet! >next day it goes up 10% (EXAMPLE) >now i made 484 bucks. Damn nigga! Im gettin rich nigga! > rinse and repeat >fast forward 10 months later and im doing this, but now with $70000 friggin dollars >go all in RTX (EXAMPLE) >it goes up... meagers 2% >wow, i made $1400 bucks in a day!
I’m not going to lie, i was hesitating at first so I didn’t go all in.
For the first week i invested $200. I was still hesitating a bit last monday. Then one day i said fuck it and started dumping all my money into it. I made most of the gains ($300+) over the past week.
Brody Brooks
Hate to rain on your parade but this is the typical “I’m 17 and I just discovered trading” mindset. It’s not that easy my friend. You could spend up to 5 years waiting for your measly %10 profit.
Juan Hill
So the strategy is to spend (say) $2000 and realise (say) $2200 in 2 years time, meanwhile the rest of the market may have appreciated $1000, meaning you've wasted 2 years worth of potential gains chasing $200
Colton Sanders
It’s very easy to beat the market as a small fish, the only reason why hedge funds can’t is because liquidity. The reason why 90% of traders lose money is because they are using leverage.
Jose White
Don't get me wrong, you can't lose money doing this strategy. I agree. But more likely than not you'll be retirement age old before you get rich on it.
Charles Turner
That’s why ya don’t buy when the RSI is overbought
Nolan King
>guaranteed gains That’s right user. You’re surely going to be rich
Luke Flores
then use leverage. put money in hedgefundie's upro/tmf portfolio and retire in 5-10 years
Elijah Clark
IMO VAS didn't move appreciably from 2014 - 2017, AAPL would have been a better buy over the same period and it had a similar reaction to 2015 market conditions
Oliver Wright
u will get ABSOLUTLY rekt user, good luck, cu in 2 months.
Daniel King
I hold stocks, property, land, forestry, etfs, crypto, art, antiques, arms, physical gold and silver, rare books. Each has a thing even if it be a small one
Eli Kelly
No, he won't, he'll be fine as long as be bought good quality low debt large cap energy or financials, or solid dividend large caps, no tech junk or small caps or debt beasts etc
What market would take 2 years to recover? Disney? Lmao. Of course i would do my research, thoroughly on what i am investing into.
But Yeah... if it took more than a week or two to recover, the loss wasn’t so bad and the rest of the market was doing absolutely great and giving me guaranteed better profit, making me able to recover my money faster by pulling it out and investing elsewhere... yeah, i guess i would have to pull out. But this seems pretty unlikely to happen.
doubtful. this type of market volatility up and down with huge swings only happens once every 12 years
Josiah Harris
I highlighted an example with VAS (Australian ASX200 ETF, financials, retail and primary industry). Geopolitics can cause 2 year stalls quite easily.
>But Yeah... if it took more than a week or two to recover, the loss wasn’t so bad and the rest of the market was doing absolutely great and giving me guaranteed better profit, making me able to recover my money faster by pulling it out and investing elsewhere... yeah, i guess i would have to pull out. This is called an "exit strategy". That's good. Keep it and stick to it.
Isaac Morgan
This user gets it
Im not going to invest into Zoom for fucks sake. I am all in defense, oil long term. Airlines short term.