Evening to all the BTC gentlemen and Future Kings
Quick question to my fellow bitcoiners... With Lightning just around the corner and the Halvening waiting to happen, are we looking at 10x or 100x ?
> inb4 MUH social contract mETHeads turds
> inb4 MUH DEFI decentralized EXCHANGE
Evening to all the BTC gentlemen and Future Kings
100x easily. 18 months and lightning will be fully mature. NOTHING will stand in bitcoin's way at that point. We're all going to be millionaires
yeh those ethturds won't know what hit 'em when Lightning happens
Right user ?
LN is bannerlord
ETH 2.0 is also bannerlord.
Bannerlord came out recently. No idea if it's good or not though. I wanna get it
You mean the ETHurds will all perish at once, correct ?
When the halvening comes ETH is going to zero and BTC is crowned eternal king...
Right user ? This is what you mean, right ?
We will 100x overnight after the mighty Halvening ! Imagine doubting this !
I mean lol.
bannerlord is pretty meh.
are you guys in discord
I'm not a discord ETH tranny !
BCH and BSV are fake BTC... So the Halvening has no effect...
The halvening is the best thing that will happen to us in a long time. It shows how BitCoin is technology superior to ETH. It shows how it's the new gold in town !!!
People will realize how scarce BTC is soon... More scarce than GOLD ! Can you imagine not imagining that for a split second ! Hehe
Right user ?? ETHTARD btfo !! Yeh !!
My friend is BTC master from way back and he advised me to put all my life savings in BTC because Lightning is coming and Halvening at the same time will make it go 100x guaranteed.
He said ETHtards don't know what's coming and it'll be a big shock when it happens... really soon now... The storm is coming ! Right user ?
BTC is a shitcoin. LN is gonna break everything.
Just can't wait to have my life savings go 100x overnight... He said don't put it in ETH it's literally a science project from an autistic meth head...
He showed me a picture of the guy and it was hard not to agree with him...
Fuck mETHeads ! HAha ! BTC is king ! One and only...
One love !!! Right user ?
My friend even wrote a book on BTC and in it he argues that ETH is a "premined fraud" has 0 future except as a science project for an autistic children school... couldn't agree more !!!
It's not meth, it's adderall. And yea, I agree with you that it's already hit a pretty obvious high for a long time. If MTL hits .3139 I have so much fucking money for no reason.
oh what the fuck it did
I have $6k and no crypto. Should I just all in on BTC or am I too late? Will I still make gains?
I feel like this is a meme post, but no. Do not do that thing.
this revolutionary Lightning Network is a good idea but I wish they would keep it on the backburners. i haven't accumulated enough yet.
This newfangled LN is gonna break your shit.
Stop pumping BTC on biz, LINK is here for a reason lmao
Maxis not welcome. This is a LINK board, retard.
Tell me more about this lighting network
10x and then 10x again next halvening.
It's not a meme post, I'm just retardedly new to all this. Can you explain why it's such a bad idea? Wouldn't I still make money, even if it's not as much as the people who bought in a lot cheaper?
Yas Forums gives bad advice because people who can't talk to people IRL take their anger out on people on the internet.
Either wait for price to go down or invest in XTZ/ALGO/ATOM/ADA, or any other PoS coin so you're at least gaining something at all times.If there's a bull-run, you're more than likely coming with it, but price could also tank just as easily.
i answered your 6k question in the other thread but if you want to get into btc you have to realize it is exactly a speculative investment. some see it as a ponzi while some see it as a truly useful and novel invention (which it is). it's a state of uncertainty right now so nobody knows where's it is going.
prepare to trade it to preserve your capital. if you want to buy and hold.. well
mentally prepare for it to go to zero if you don't trade.
mentally prepare to hodl and not sell early if it blasts to the moon.
Decent advice, but trading is literally the worst idea 90% of the time. I say 90% not 100%, since if you can get past losing the 90% of your money (that you will lose), you might be mentally detached enough to keep doing it and make a good return.
this man has the same nose as the late michael jackson
Shit, I don't want to throw money into something I understand even less. I've gathered that what I should have a lot of is BTC, ETH, and LINK, so I just assumed I should try to get as much as I can of those three and disregard everything else. This seems like the most rudimentary of strategies, though.
This is probably gonna convince you that I'm meeting, but can you explain the specifics of a bull-run? I understand that when something is bullish, it means the price is going up, and when something is bearish it's going down. Am I right? I just always see comments talking about how this or that is getting pumped/dumped and now we're going on a bull-run, and I just can't make complete sense of it all.
Oh thanks. Would it be stupid to do something like the following?
$2k into BTC, $2k into ETH, $2k into LINK. Leave $1k in each untouched and actively trade with the other $1k for each one, always leaving half of total untouched.