Why do people fall for the obvious bull trap?

Why do people fall for the obvious bull trap?
Do they think they can ride the bull and get out just in time?

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Did someone say something about falling for a trap?

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No they're just delusional

I reverse image searched it and it says "girl" so how could google be wrong??

I have never seen him make another face than the one in that pic. Always looks like he's about to pick a gun up and head to his old highschool

The intelligent trader sees that this is an incredibly convincing bear trap, at least, if it is one at all

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Who is that black semen fiend?

>dopamine running low
>curtains closed
>vitamin d depleted
>feeling the depression coming on
>need to think of another generic thread so i can post another tranny
>”Why do people fall for the obvious bull trap? Do they think they can ride the bull and get out just in time?”
>breathe a sigh of relief
>ten minutes pass
>the feeling has worn off
>feeling the depression coming on

god i want her pp in my mouth

i did, unfortunately. the bible and the roman salute to the stars and stripes fooled me. does this mean i'm gay? why would someone do something like this to normal god fearing americans? is it some kind of communist plot to make everyone homosexual?


>1 post by this id
>toggle airplane mode
>hurr I want her pp in my mouth
>toggle airplane mode
>who is this black semen fiend?
>masturbate thinking of how you just trapped men who hate faggots like you
>dopamine running low

Everyone thinks it's a bull trap. Which is why it's not.

>Which is why it's not.
wishful thinking

I genuinely fucked a girl (female) who looked exactly like this tranny, it genuinely triggers me. Science has gone too far, still not attracted to this abomination though, its just that the facial resemblance is uncanny.

I kinda did. Not much though. It was risky.

I'm a bear 100%.

he's damn hot with lipstick

The top .1% of trannies really look like women. The other 99.9% not so much.

compare the two

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i will sell the top of this bulltrap OP
the top will happen when YOU capitulate and decide to FOMO in
not before

You need to look at more women in real-life and not on your computer screen. Plenty of cisgender women look like abominations.

but they're still obviously female.

based funny awkward black guy with glasses

Hannibal buress

What is this girl's name? I have an uncontrolled urge to donate all my money to her

thats as man

Stop giving that dude attention.

imagine being her haha...

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Same but a mine’s a chink girl. Its uncanny

Doing Gods work user. These threads are fucking cancer. The entire purpose is shilling trannies

more trannies is a win win

more bussy & pussy for us