Proof that Imperial UNITS is a scam

They say they bought a buy wall privately. Well it was my buy wall. What really happened is they locked my coins. UNITS can be locked by bucc even while in your own wallet. Complete scam. No one will be able to sell a large amount but him. Remember this is the same guy who brought you PRIVATE and exit scammed there.

Attached: 20200419_221228.jpg (1080x2142, 284.46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

They just won't send?

Attached: 20200419_224500.jpg (1080x2178, 261.62K)

Well thats weird

Attached: 20200419_224714.jpg (1078x2164, 230.19K)

It's right in tithe contract. If bucc doesn't like how you are moving your tikens he can use the cintract to lock them. What a joke.

Attached: Screenshot_20200419-222947_Brave.jpg (1080x2146, 519.5K)

why are you wasting money on scams when you could just buy LINK

I'm telling people not to waste their money here.

Typical FUD. This is the fag who cheated the system, x5 twice and then exited the group and tried to dump.

Sounds like a scammer got scammed

I cheated the system because I could. Still doesn't make sense that I can't dump if I want too. My tokena are locked. Bucc could do this to anyone's tokens. Its entirely up to him. Scam city.

I scammed a scammer and then he locked the tokens in my wallet so I couldn't dump them. Please no one buy any of this. No one will be able to sell any large amounts except Bucc.

I said to just unlock them. Oh well. I didn't lose any money. I'll be posting this info every day.

if there's nothing for you to hide, why redact your address?

The dev literally refunded someone 10 ETH. it's not a scam, you just fucking suck at this.

This fag is literally failing at sending a tx and blaming the dev lmaooo

Thats not what happened lol

bump for more on this shitshow

Yes it is


Why did the devs need to refund someone?

Play stupid games, win stupid prices.

Of course it's a scam who thought otherwise?

I browse biz all day, every day, and have no idea what "UNITS" is
or what "PRIVATE" is
how do you moronic newfags fall for this, my mind is so attuned I'm mentally incapable of paying attention to shit

and what the fuck is this eyes bullshit
you might be on the wrong website fren

looks like he missed the 300% day so he wanted out.

Lol I got the first 500% twice because bucc made the staking period just over 48 hours. Takes 24 hours to stake. Got in and out twice. Bucc gave me 60 to start with. 60 x 5 x 5 = 1500. Then I did the 300% round and ended up with 4500. But seeing as this was going nowhere I decided to try to sell. Put up a big 10 eth sell wall with my 4500 tokens. Decided to back off and try to stake again and end up with 9000 tokens. So I went into the discord with a new name and asked about the wall. You guys lied and said you bought it privately. Me being the wall guy knew that wasn't true so I thought maybe once I try to stake you guys will take it somehow. Decided to put the wall back up. Now I can't send my tokens anywhere to sell again. Buck locked them in my wallet. Pic related. And address related. The contract for units let's bucc lock tokens even in your wallet. They are never yours. Just his. Scam. Anyone can see it just go to the link and look at the pic.

Attached: Screenshot_20200420-033418_Brave.jpg (1079x1273, 350.78K)

>Why are you wasting money on scams
>Just waste your money on this even greater scam!

Lol, you stinkies are so funny.

So it's like they froze your coins like a bank would instead of burning them. I think there's a use case for that.

You sound like a little bitch.

Yeah if you think so but all he's using it for is so that I can't cash out. When I got the 500% twice I told them and people were salty but bucc said "early bird gets the worm"
Further they lied in the public discord to try to prevent people from knowing they could freeze the coin in n your wallet if they want. Said they bought it from me.

>be a pajeet scammy faggot
>get fucked

i luv it

You sound like someone that's in the little group of 29 sucking buccs dick for tokens with no use case.

look it won't matter a ton. This project will never work either way no matter how many people from that bucc thumping little group come here to call me a bitch. This thread is for anyone that was stupid enough to be considering buying into this.

If this gets even close to getting off the ground, it isn't, id be able to stop it dead in its tracks. It's all on the blockchain. So go have fun sniffing bucks bike seat but this will never be more than a biz discord project and you all know it.

Actually nah fuck it. If you guys can pull this off go ahead. I don't feel like trying to stop people from getting scammed that badly. I'm just done with the whole thing. Any bucc sniffers reading this, good luck, don't put to much energy into this for him, you know its not going anywhere. If bucc reads this man try not to fuck up your next project you seem truly autistic. Alright peace, I'm moving on.

im a male nurse, please give me money guys. ehehe faggot dude

not sure why my shit changed but that was still me.

You believed that? You guys are dumb as hell. Alright tho, last time I think about this "project"
Good luck being the next world currency. I'm sure it will work.

ofc not, just saying you are a beggar and a faggot. Seethe more, you have been spamming your own thread. ahahahah he wanted 10 eth ahahahaha