So lads, I first came here in 2017, and haven’t really checked the board since.
Is chainlink already $1000?
So lads, I first came here in 2017, and haven’t really checked the board since
Other urls found in this thread:
>you know nothing
I think you already know the answer to that one. Based regardless. Shittoken scam isn't touching $6 let alone $1k.
Good taste btw.
been and gone fren
you missed out, its now been dumped on pajeets
everyone on biz posts with their lambo now
was a thing serg set up with the eyetalians, a built in shitposting computer and link wallet in all new lambos produced.
he gets 3 canolis for every lambo sold
how'd you think he got so fat?
even better everyone with 10k stack had their penis grow another 2"
sorry you missed out fren
blessed ganesha, coffee is not good for me
sirs, imagine the milk
used to fuck a girl like this, she was so insecure of her huge boobs, they even hurt her back. she wanted to get reductions
ahhh miss her
>insecure of her huge boobs,
but why. it should be other girls that are insecure in her presence
sirs I dunno about you but I’m very stiff
That woman doesn't have big boobs. Those big boobs have a woman.
that's a man
did they ever smell sour? was there hair on them?
My goodness user.
Not the user you replied to, but I'm in a similar boat. My ex in high school had like 36DDD and she was pretty embarrassed. Especially whenever she had to do any athletic events, shit was like an anime lmao her boobs would literally fly all over the place and it wasn't her fault. She wasn't fat either, slim girl with big anime tits. But yeah, she complained about her back pain alot but I dont remember if she said anything about getting a reduction.
I became christian and wanted to follow God and she didnt so we broke up. She became the schools mega roastie after that kek.
holy sauce man
Sorry, but that's too much. I want a decent woman, not a cow.
>She became the schools mega roastie after that
Girls who develop early often because they get that kind of attention thrown at them so they think its all they're good for. Kinda sad, but what you can do
Tezos is the coin youre supposed to be buying right now.
>I became christian and wanted to follow God
Are you saved, user?
Do you like the taste of coffee?
>So lads, I first came here in 2017
strange place to fap but whatever kid
>I became christian and wanted to follow God and she didnt so we broke up.
You are not Christian if you are not a baptised Catholic. Sorry. Its good you are reading the Bible and I hope Jesus leads you home
>shit was like an anime lmao her boobs would literally fly all over the place
>I became christian and wanted to follow God and she didnt so we broke up.
>She became the schools mega roastie after that kek.
i've read this hentai.....
Cool made up story bro.
Checked. Even godfags submit the power of mommy milkies. It is the most powerful force in the universe and as close to God as man can physically get.
No you are just in time.
Get naked