Kids and a house is better than a Lamborghini

Kids and a house is better than a Lamborghini

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based and family values-pilled

why not all three?

That's for sure user. Just need a home. I'll wage cuck for the taxes and utilities while I make money on the side as well.

kids and a house isnt any better than no kids and no house

No. Having children in the societal and economic climate that we have now is a crime against morality. And I mean it, do you know that having children is the biggest source of carbon footprint? And speaking of money, kids are a fucking liability, a huge burden on your wallet. People should stop having children, especially if they live in a rich environment like the modern Western civilization.

Have fun when the roastie gets bored and the family courts giver her the house, 50% of the money, alimony, and child support

White children bad

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god blessu user

I hate this thread.
Are you the same person who posted this the other day?
Are you a real person at all?
Is this just some kind of psyop propaganda?

he got doxxed a year ago when he kept spamming this shit, i wonder if its the same retard
pic related is op

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he has a point son. His children will eventually have to deal with kike brainwash. The son is the only one who has a chance to by pass that level of brainwashing. Even then chances are low even with home schooling and no kike media. Eventually they'll have to leave home to experience how destructive real life is. If you have a daughter you have no chance at all.

He can enjoy his transexual son and blacked daughter

fucking based White boomer with a nice sized house and a family always makes Yas Forumslets seethe

the reactions to his posts are proof that Yas Forums is 95% pajeets, niggers, and third-world schizophrenics LARPing about being rich off their $1,000 "investment"

it's not the same person we all take turns posting it once every couple hours

Yes sirs white people need less children. Take too many resources sirs do the needful and have vasectomy sirs my village thanks you we become very strong power thanks to billions of peoples and white sacrifice sirs

>1.7mil for a cookie cutter house in d.c.
I would equate DC being as interesting/as much of a shithole as flyover states. Yikes

Kys kike

this. once link is $1000 EOY i'll pay some ana de armas lookalike from south america to move here, pump a few kids into her and then divorce her the minute she hits the wall (prenup of course). then just keep trading in for younger wives every 10-15 years until i drop dead. i'm pretty sure i'll have plenty of cash left over for lambos.

if my people want to have children they can it doesnt bother me but i just dont want people to live under the delusion that its going to save the white race and that there kids will be red pilled and based even WITH being sheltered/

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Yes sirs your children will become trains they very big problem media report on it very much white children very much trains

Wish 70k a year was enough to buy a house

>red pilled
Literally sheltering your children is the best way to make them naive and vulnerable.

Yeah chances are the more you force them to be redpilled the less they're going to like that shit.
When my father forced me in a certain direction I always bounce in the opposite one. I never did something deviant but I'm you people have more impulsive genes.

Having children is a huge burden unless youre a single mom. Honk honk

I'm honestly amazed there's such a reaction as this. Having kids is great.

Yes, but they're not better than a Delorean. Or, for that matter, a high rise penthouse.

I don't have to change diapers on a penthouse or watch him grow up to be a disappointing manchild heroin addict. And I think I'd be too high up to have any problems with mold for that matter.

its great for a time but like i said realize shit isnt gonna save the white world. In the end the only reason you want kids is selfishness.

But how do you educate them to be resistant against degenerated ideas

I often wonder what my life would be like without 2 kids and wife depending on me for everything. Its all so tiresome, at the same time I love them somehow...

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"Selfishness" created modern society. It's the engine of the world. That's why most businesses are named after people. So to say that it's selfishness is to say that it's moral.

You have to trust them. How did YOU become resistant? Show them the same thing.

It’s not tough brah

What about feces and a cock in your mouth?

Does your boyfriend know you're a faggot?

Mine knows I am and he lets me clean his dick after its been in other men's butts.

Sorry, meant for

This. I have a baby daughter. She'll be smart because we are, but I am worried that she could be susceptible to (((the media))). Especially when I think about how long it took me to get over most of my own programming. When she inevitably asks me if all humans are the same inside, without going full niggers/Jews sperg I will encourage her to observe the world carefully, think critically and draw her own conclusions.

It's smart to have children if you live in a nice country like Norway but not in modern day America.

>tfw it was actually 2 years ago
wasting my fucking life in this shithole
go fuck yourself Bucko if you're reading this you fucking doughball

Mmmmm cock mmm yum yum cock haha