WTF is happening to oil

WTF is happening to oil

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just a flu bro

It gets what it fucking deserves

Cargo and Cruise ships arent sailing as much, and the number of daily commutes has plummeted, while the oil pipelines still pump it out. Simple supply and demand.


Coof coof coof


Welp, time to cancel that CEI limit buy for tomorrow morning.

“Brand new” breakthroughs in ‘unconventional’ technologies that will soon be unveiled to the world.
If you know, you know.

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You guys see that solar panel company that made an electric SUV?

ohhhhh mommmmmmy make it stop not my oilerinos

Based Russians. Now I can drive my v10 for almost free kek

oil derrick go grrrrrrrrrrrr


how do i profit off this?

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Storage is full.

They can, but they don't want to

prove it


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Its shitting the bed. With 10 million barrels of oversupply even after a 10 million cut in production.

biz bought at 30$, that’s what happened.

Those who know do not speak; those who speak do not know.

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Omg is it recovering soon? Or it will go lower?
It's just a bounce down?
Pls tell me

buy and hodl. It's never been this low before. It might keep going down for a little, but the point is it really has no way to go but up in the long term.

It's crashing with no survivors

literally party like it's 1999

It’s falling

>imagine being shorting this

you're fucking dumb

It's kill time.
For these wannabe traders going long WTI thinking they smart.

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Put things into context anons.

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Oil ain't like your grandmas ancient tea party collection, the world needs it and only a matter of time before world can't get enough of oil.

good time to invest if you're looking long term (e.g. 2-3 yrs)

Where’s all the retards who were bragging about going all in oil

Low in 1930: $10 per Barrel
Low in 1970: $11 per Barrel
Low in 1998: $12 per Barrel

The time is almost here anons, it's time to go ALL in on oil.

see all the cycles.. even something so essential (e.g. oil) goes through this cycle.

crypto been in bear terroritory for awhile.. less than 1 year before crypto hits ATH.

just cycles bro

Going long with oil is the smart move, we just aren't nowhere near being done with this Corona Virus/ economic crash.

Downside risks are small compared to upside potential right now. A 150 year chart shows that these lows have only been hit a handful of times.

Can’t wait to buy the absolute bottom

What are the smart moves user? Which companies are safe yet profitable?