The Great Debate

Is Elon a bad businessman with good ideas or is he a good businessman with bad ideas?

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He's the Silicon Valley version of P. T. Barnum.


A extremely obsessively hard working businessman with a vision, taking a huge amount of risk while having a great amount of luck.

He has good ideas and is a good salesmen.

He is a literal entrepreneurial-economic genius, probably without equal in modern history. Once and again, he has done the impossible and fought against ridiculous odds.
Or maybe he is just ridiculously lucky.

These. He was extremely lucky SpaceX and Tesla recovered from some of their failures/rough patches. He came really close to losing both at one point

he's a con man

At least he s doing something cool with his money

he has good ideas and extroadinary execution and people management skills

He's lucky no one else had the balls to start a private space company

Just goes to show theres little difference between genius and luck

He's a fucking hack

Didnt branson?

his ideas are nothing original.
he just has the titanium steel balls to see them through.

Terrible business practices, excellent charisma. He will succeed

Bezos is the only one with enough money to pull a Mars mission on his own, maybe if Elon convinces Gates or something but he's too busy giving aids to niggers

I'd say he's a good man with business ideas.

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checked and correct

hes a billionaire

Bezos is too greedy to fund a space company.

Holy checked


His greatest idea was building an underground road that takes cars rather than just building a train station that would be more useful to more people

He is the only business man who had the intelligence to make himself a meme
These kind of people deserve a lot of respect, it's not every day you can just make yourself a meme

You are a dumb nigger. Remember that next time you feel like giving an opinion.

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There‘s a bunch of private space companies.
But Elon insisting on making everything themselves along with a fail-fast design approach led to only SpaceX actually moving into the big leagues within a reasonable time.
We‘ll see how Blue Origin does next year.

Oh yes !
One of thoses genius ideas that multiply the cost of the infrastructure by 10000000x time
Nice one fucking retard !

how did he get so much hair?

none, an actor and a front for tptb

He's clearly smart in many respects, but at the same time says some stupid shit (mostly on Twitter), and has made some poor business decisions. I think what Tesla and SpaceX are trying to achieve is important overall, so even with his tech-bro behavior sometimes he still deserves credit for his vision. The engineers he works with definitely don't get the credit they deserve though.

Keep telling yourself that.

Does it matter? He works 100 hours a week while still working smart. He could do whatever he wants.

Imagine what he could accomplish with all his money if he didn't dedicate the latter half of his life to trying to bring civilization to the deepest parts of Africa.