This is what pumpamentals looks like. I almost feel sad for people who got scared off the HEX rocket ship by lies, slander, and FUD.
This is what pumpamentals looks like. I almost feel sad for people who got scared off the HEX rocket ship by lies...
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It's a clown world afterall. Also good luck cashing out when everyone's staking period ends on the same day lmao
I will enjoy my massive gains and all the salt from everyone who missed out.
Beautiful price action, sir. Whole village happy.
all burned and you missed the speed bonus too kek. Rodger Ver and Richard are now pumping this to infinity
Always do the opposite of what tone vays says
>Rodger Ver
Tone is on the verge of necking himself. Imagine how many people who could have been unimaginably rich due to his lies and slander.
if only there was a way to see when those stakes were ending
o wait, there is, and you're the only retard who doesn't know
I used to think this, but I also didn't see the price going this high. I'm one of the people you would expect to dump at the end of my stakes, but at current prices I'll have enough to pay my rent with the interest alone, so there's no way I'm selling. I'll be interested to see how many other early guys will do the same.
The first HEX whale got cold feet and pulled out weeks ago because he said he wasn't comfortable making richard the world's first trillionaire. Wonder if he regrets that decision.
My thoughts exactly
The only danger with this is that there's just no demand for the token after the distribution phase. How likely do you think that is?
Unlikely. Right now the AA is causing huge inflation every day. When it ends and the inflation is set at 3,69%
The demand would have to drop significantly, like 95% for it to matter, which seems doubtful.
Ahh fuck, that's right.
I'm being skeptical and operating under the assumption that 95% of the Eth going in to the AA is recycled Eth to keep the AA competitive with Uniswap, but I forgot to factor in that the inflation is massively reduced once the distribution phase is over. Cheers user.
Did I miss the next big thing?
If the price is high enough and people still want 3.69% a year in HEX (not USD) then the project will survive. If it can reach escape velocity, which right now is making everybody nervous, then it doesn't matter when it correct 85%, which it will.
I think the closest parallel that I can think of is BNB. Go look at the BNB chart. Very similar in initial proposition value. The value was clear and present with trading fee discounts. The long term promise of BNB was the migration to an off site DEX, which still hasn't happened.
HEX's initial value prop is dissemination over 1 year favoring early adopters. The long term prop is interest in the blockchain. There is an even greater potential for HEX if additional defi markets are built on top.
I'd say you've missed the first phase, but as a long time member of the community I can honestly tell you that the people you're buying on top of now are the ones who buy in to the whole staking concept. You kind of have to be considering all the FUD which has been thrown Hex's way.
I would say that buyers from this point on are the FOMO'ers, so if we do crash in a week or two we'll probably only crash back to this level.
Get on board user. We're just about to lift off.
Yes. It is literally impossible for HEX not to go to the moon because of the pumpamentals. It is guaranteed to make people billionaires. We tried to get you on the rocket ship while the fudders were lying.
Remember that 3,69 is the whole amount of inflation with 100% staked.
Right now we have 26% staked so the stakers are getting about 14% per year instead of the 3,69%.
Only person getting rich here is Richard Schuler
just get a $100 bag now and sell at 90 cents
easiest 50k of your life
May the man have a long and prosperous life
Fuck me really.
I know, I myself sometimes forget how beautiful it is. The man's a genius.
>we still have to 7x to hit $0.01
I don’t get it
How long is stuff locked up for?
1 day to 5555 days, your choice sir.
stakers determine their own lock duration
did 30x in few months so what do i know right?
The site makes it seem so scammy but people are using it
I don’t get it