why the fuck is nobody talking about mcAfee's next zk privacy coin? it's indirectly priced at 300k USD mcap and no one seems to be paying attention.
Why the fuck is nobody talking about mcAfee's next zk privacy coin...
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because a tech better than yours already exists
here's him tweeting about it
that's not really my point, even mediocre tech is usually priced higher than this, especially when backed by brandRecognitioComplexBoomer himself
>copied AAVE's logo
met stolen phantasma logo at ethCC, they're crap
How many fucking ways can you draw a simple ghost?
Because you fucked me on whackd token
First man has to eat his pebis
Cause the faggot is trying to make a buck. He copy and pasted shit just like every other eth”dev”.
I'm making my own coin as well. It will be the first ever of its kind, allow me to introduce DQGHOSTcoin. Marketcap is however much I make up. Nodes are made up entirely of my Yas Forums posts. Here is the mascot.
do you have a cult following?
How/where can I buy?
he is really gettingg desperate.
but is anyone else getting early 2017 vibes.
i think a bull market is next year desu with all this shit like SNX UBT PNK LINK mooning
But suter is the best privacy coin
it's kinda bizarre, he (/they?) will airdrop to all ESH holders (a previously failed venture of his). yet that ESH crapware has yet to see any significant volume, except for me buying today. either I am missing something, or this just flew over everyone's head. only reason I know about it is a ded thread on here this afternoon
25% will be aairdropped, the rest is meant for PoS distribution
Where do I buy this
idex you`ll have to buy the airdrop principle (verify on their site ghostbymcafee dot com)
I notice how hardcore self-made this looks, yet here's him tweeting, and cryptopotato wrote an article about it, linking this site
Weird. So do you hold ESH in a wallet or on the exchange you bought it from to receive your GHOST?
wallet, would not put more than 15 eth into this likely nothingburger, just enough to enjoy some bonus once it draws atention with a 5M mcap at launch (still x15 from here)
What wallet do you use for your ESH?
>privacy coin
how do I get it?
>airdrop to current ESH holders
how do I get that?
>register and verify
how is that private?
metamask, it's an erc20, otherwise traing on idex would not be possible
dont know the details of the drop, probably going to sign a transaction to claim your tokens. no kyc is needed if you buy just a bit, i think
I just downloaded, dont see an option to add ESH though?
how many privacy coins is this guy gonna shill? verge, lux, and ghost? that's at three coins right there that he said were the best investment ever
projects are shit, and the senile man is outpaced, but you can't deny that one can make serious money with a new microcap. I'll be eager to see how he'll use the presidential platform as an excuse to shill his hobby progging
it's not that hard really, learn the basics before you jump head first into a suicide play (10% to make x20 are still good odds, but play accordingly)
Nope I don't need one. My coin is going to revolutionize crypto, financial institutions, and the world.
Thanks to DQGHOSTcoin you too can become a millionaire.
You can buy DQGHOSTcoin by replying to my posts.
fuck off, I'm not even trying to sell snake oil. this is the kind of crap where we can frontrun those who "buy to shill to the norms" and sell to them at a markup. we'd be selling crappy vacuum cleaner to the door-to-door salesman who then sells our product