Where you at?
Where you at?
Alive but sad
Alive but barely
Gun loaded
Suicide watch :)
Not owning any scam.
hey hey hey ! finger off the trigger buddy ! you don't want this
The chart is upside down.
Am I gonna make it anons
i always knew i am a visionary
you just gotta believe in your self frens
not unless you dump all those shitcoins and go 100% link
digits confirm
just hold
Alive, barely
Digits confirm
What does that mean? I’m a newfag
Are you in highschool? Shits weak. Put another $9k in
Visionary times 1.9
Alive and love the present
Don’t wanna put everything until it’s a lock. Still a brokefag too. Waiting for second crash
2k link trying to get 32 eth now wish me luck bros
Why is it called a suicide stack?
because with 1,000 LINK you’ll profit enough off the moon to not feel compelled to suicide
I was a pioneer and then i thought i could double my stack by gambling on bitmex and then got downgraded to a visionary after fucking it up.
I'm about to be "alive" with my next LINK purchase.
I could have had more before, but better late than never I suppose... r-right?
This. Iktfb
>when 0.689
if you don't have one, then when the time comes you will neck
you have .689 link?
600 link
Enough to make me 'rich' if link hits it big but not rich enough to forget about money forever.
This is if it EVER hits 1k which i doubt it will. Im thinking eth prices as it is an ETC based coin
eth* based coin
fug, i have like 1400 linkies and i feel terrible about it