how fucked is the economy really? i'm 21. will i ever own a house?
How fucked is the economy really? i'm 21. will i ever own a house?
>dad, he wants to buy a house
nah man you getting gexed
How does a Midwest methshack for 100k sound?
i'd rather live in literal prison. at least it would be free and i wouldn't have to cook my own food.
No, once UBI is established I'm going to market NEET pods
build your own home, significantly cheaper. obviously do not build it on a loan or where you are in city limits where code needs to be very strictly followed. it's that fucking easy
Might see some short term deflation and long term inflation. If you have a decent job in a company that is likely to do alright in the next few months you're fine. If not get used food banks.
>i'm 21. will i ever own a house?
maybe in 20 years when the boomers start dying off like flies (even corona isnt enough to put much of a dent in boomers as the death princess cruise ship was full of boomers and only 2% of infected died)
Keep your head shaved until some hair regrowth formula works for you, grow a beard and keep it clean, cut your nails regularly so they never look long (vaginas literally seal up and get instantly dry when their owners see these kinds of nails on men), get fit, dress better and that's it. You welcome.
maybe if you send this image to some realtors, you might be able to convince them to give you one
western countries importing brownskins will be more than enough to offset dying boomers. Permanent low interest rates and infinite QE will keep asset prices sky high.
oh and don't forget to take daily showers, brush your teeth in the morning and after every meal as well as wearing deodorant. Women suddenly have a dog's sense of smell when you stink.
>dude, just build your own house
>what's an electrician
>what's a mason
>what's a plumber
if you weren't retarded you'd realize it only costs you about 25k if you want a small house, including the land. spend 10 to 15k more and you have a well and a septic tank. stop complaining about houses being expensive when you're buying them in boomer city
actual retard if you think as a man your brain capacity is so low you can't do these skills yourself. literal man child
i'm literally ana electrician and you're retarded of you think you can build your own house alone for cheap and have it be up to code. there is nowhere you can go where code isn't going to fuck you over.
but you're entirely wrong, again, low iq likely. there are many places that are unincorporated in the city limits all over the USA. if you think wiring a residential home is hard you might need to come to terms with being daft in the head
lol you aren't even american, shut the fuck up.
okay, you've shown your true colors. maybe retarded is an understatement. you are garaunteed retarded
you are guaranteed faggot.
you're a 21 year old child, you should grow up and plan for your future
you should get wu flu and die boomer scum.
puisque t'es un amerloque, apprends une deuxième langue aussi, crois-moi ça vaut la peine
>Build your own home.
What the fuck are you talking about? We want to live in a stable and secure house without spending years learning the necessary skills and then a few more years applying those skills. I can't tell if you're a retard or a bad troll.
>Just apply basic hygiene bro
He asked about finances and the economy you absolute dipshit.
t'as mordu à l'hameçon, ducon
He means pay a contractor to build a home after buying a plot of land you retard
Ohhhhh, you meant an american residential home. Sorry, i thought we were talking about actual robust houses made of concrete, not an overpriced joke
You're right but it does kinda depend, I think that guy is talking more about zoning laws.
yea, alabama, tenesse are good to RETIRE IN. look for houses at the 50k mark the next 2 years. you probably only need to work half the year and RETIRE THERE. not look for a "jaab maahkett 'roun de_AREA" no nigger. you friggin retire there. put up lemon trees live good
No he didn't.
If he did mean "pay a contractor to build a home" then he should have said that instead of "build it yourself".