>April 2020 >The price STILL has never gotten past $5 >He thought a token with a billion supply would make him wealthy >He thought he'd get XMR gains from a shit token >DASH went from a couple bucks to $1600, LINK went from $0.20 to a couple bucks >He thinks he's early when literal NPC basketball players are shilling LINK >He thinks staking will EVER be announced >He thinks Bloomberg News will one day talk about and cover this scam token >He thinks he's early like BTC and ETH buyers >He thought Sergey wasn't a psychology major scam artist >He actually believed something normies can buy for a few bucks will shoot up to $100 in 2020
You missed the train, newfags. How's those $1000 gains coming? Remember when you told me $1000 EOY in 2018, 2019, and 2020? You dropped your red nose, clown.

Attached: D7321FC0-3C68-462A-A892-53D3EEE9B126_4_5005_c.jpg (374x359, 57.41K)


We are still in april, retard

Top kek. Keep rubbing it in, linktards deserve it.

how will you ever recover from Vitalik confirming your project is vaporware?

Attached: vitalikchainlinkscam.png (713x216, 22.03K)

>he thinks the price will magically be $5 in two weeks

rub in what ecactly?



>how will you ever recover from Vitalik confirming your project is vaporware?
Literally who?

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Attached: A7E55584-6ABA-49B6-ABED-0B914AA42253.jpg (495x362, 17.39K)

you literally made this thread. you either own link or you hold another token and this is bad cope because you think you've missed the train

>linkie can't take someone telling them facts

This is the part where you say "discord fudders at it again"

Yes, linkies are dumb.. don't buy link ever user ;)

cope harder link fags

Attached: 1583991308007.png (1000x1000, 715.55K)

Vitalik is a sociopath. He can't handle anyone development a better product and getting more attention than him.

Lol linkoid cant handle it when he gets called out on his faggotry

Can anyone post the name of the pornstar employee they hired? Can't find it anywhere

imagine being this butthurt over missing out on LINK
you had 3 years faggot



Jessica's Khater. Girls Do Porn.

Word of caution: it's terrible. It'd be easier to rub one out thinking of news girls with your eyes closed in the shower.

Let’s think about this logically. Link enthusiasts bought 10k link in 2017. That investment is now worth ~30k. That is 30k over 3 years... less than the salary of a fast food worker. Lol no thanks.


I bought 16k link for 6k and now it's worth 55k

Warning, we are currently being brigaded by discord trannies. We really don't want to lock the thread guys.

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This. Her tit job is botched. It’s nasty

and two weeks ago it was worth 20k and if we start dumping again we might even dump under your buy in

oh sorry guys, didn't have my eyes glued to Yas Forums because i have other things i enjoy, like living my life outside of an anonymous imageboard. i know what makes you losers the most upset, so i'll go ahead and not bump this thread with my mystical powers and tell you that i don't have to explain anything. you can go fuck yourselves. i'm never selling! you can go ahead and do your own research. go ahead and reply to me and get upset saying "retard can't even explain." but if you used your head you'd have explained it to yourself by now by reading and applying critical thinking skills, or perhaps being here longer than a month. see you guys later, enjoy your retarded lives and poor investment choices such as BSV, XRP, XTZ, QNT, or one of the many others that you're financially ruined over

Based Jesus