Are you satisfied with your bag?

How many are you holding and are you satisfied and made peace with your LINK bag, user?

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i suppose so. i only had $1000 worth of assets when i started buying, and over 2 years i've accumulated 4k link at an average price of $1.20 or so.
it's not the largest stack, but i'm fine with whatever happens now

how does 4 million tax free sound

That’s good to hear, user. You worked hard for your bag, you will be rewarded greatly.

How does a reasonably priced island in the Bahamas sound

40k, reasonably satisfied. Probably will be forever haunted knowing I once had 46k.

Holding only 12K and I am not satisfied. But I cannot really buy tons of LINK anymore.

The money I spent on link now, had I bought in at 20c I would have a 80k stack. Such is life.

I'm pretty happy, crypto has helped keep my time in the wage cage to a minimum.

Got 19k LINKs. I'm satisfied since I'm young(20yo) so it's good.

I'd always like more but I'll be set when it moons

Same, user. It is forever haunting.

i'm in 5% top holders, so yes, i'm satisfied

Checked for trips.

Have 28k worth of LINK. If LINK dumps to 1.50 or even 1.20, it will be nice. But I don’t think I have money to buy.

5% top hodler so... most likely 10k.

2300 link next to 4 btc
Its all I have. Def not satisfied. Whats worse I bought Link at 1.96 and BTC at 4200 but still im up only 16% on Link and 0% on BTC because I also bought on highs.

My stack is around 38k
Im all in.
No other assets. 33 y/o .
Every paycheck goes to rent. And what is left, straight to crypto. Even borrow money from my gf.

Fucking sad. I need a x30

Why don’t just convert BTC into LINK, user?

Checked. 25k and not satisfied.

I have double what I intended to get and am dca'ing more in.

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>tfw on the last page of ether scan

I need to buy more.

>tfw your dick won’t work by the time you make it

It’s something I’m struggling with too

750 LINK :(
Poorfag college student

What is a respectable rank? Is Second Liuetenant respectable?

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I have 0 link.
Not satisfied with this bag.
How can I get negative link?

Swingy all the way

You can’t, user. You’ll be forever depresed.

Do you happen to know how much link would be considered a top 1% holder?

The officer line on the rank charts almost perfectly defines respectability. 15k is pretty good. I’m king of the manlets at 14k. There are lots of good anons in the 2k-10k range though and I hope they all make it.

Nope every bag I have is small bag expevt for link.

I've got 15k link and I don't think I will ever feel like I don't have enough. What's wrong with me, bros?

i grew it by 300 LINK by longing 5.5k 1.8x on aave, yes i took profits

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Thought about it. But the FUD gets me everytime