Food shops are the only "essential" shops open

>food shops are the only "essential" shops open

How much could I profit running a bakery out of my home?

Attached: BLACKED_daughter_cake.webm (640x800, 3M)

Other urls found in this thread:

how many loaves can you make an hour?
how will you package what youre making?
whats your hygiene rating?
how are you going to advertise to get income?


What the fuck

Just when I've thought I've seen it all

Attached: clownpepe.jpg (636x333, 36.53K)

Instagram/Twitter saw this days ago, what rock do you guys live under?

I don't patronize those garbage apps. They aren't getting clicks from me

Liberals are committing child abuse now.

the meme chain has inversed from Yas Forums -> reddit -> twitter/ig -> facebook. Yas Forums is literally the last one now, this thread is just proof

cake is clearly for the mother, you idiot. look at who isn't singing "happy birthday"

its still pathetic.

what a clown ass world

on display for the kid, doesn't change a thing

This shits funny it's a shock image cropped off, don't be gay, have fun.

Attached: 1587254245407.gif (340x198, 1.66M)

Yo, I hope someone contacted CPS

There's only 1 candle retard.

Remember when Yas Forums was actually good and used to do raids / get sickos v&?

Phoneposter here, where can I find this video I wanna see it

what is your logic here?
are you still in the number of candles = age phase? have you had a birthday cake with 6 candles yet?

Look at how ugly that middle-age woman is. Her only value in life was popping out kids from her disgusting herpes-ridden hole. Women past age 23 are literally worthless to society.

White women are so fucking disgusting

A superior one to what shit eating normies like you live under.

I kinda do. Joined in 2014 and I think I can recall a few abused pet rescue operations.

Always wondered how husbands can fuck these old haggard women. They must have sexy, young mistresses or escorts they fuck, right?

And still unironically have probably been here longer than you

I just opened a bakery/deli/rolled I’ve cream place and we are killin it. If you can bake, take advantage of them cottage laws.

>Shock image

This counts a shock image now? damn...I remember tub girl and goatse

>Im a degenerate who wants to talk about big black cock. but i'm on biz. Hmm what to do what to do?

>I know.

Based entrepreneur. I've baked for my neighbours before, but I think I could make a buck selling it instead during these tough times.

explain to me. how do you bake at volume? do you need a special oven?

>shock image
>shock image