Kids and a house is better than a Lamborghini

Kids and a house is better than a Lamborghini

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fuck off dumbass

True that my negro true that!

Mmmm, a house is 100% better than a Lamborghini.
Fucking kids though? Life long liability right there. Especially if you have a daughter or a faggit son.
>How about a house and a Lamborghini instead

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>fucking kids
Reported you to the feds mate

unironically based

Aus fag?

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no, can I use that word without being aussie? come the fuck on retard

Or maybe just a house you faggot, kids aren't as fun as they seem to be and cost more.

Nobody says “mate” bud, definitely Aus fag.

Somebody else's kids in your sauna with a bag of cocaine is better

I just happen to have a big vocabulary fookin wanker

real talk

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>5 acres

Got 300 acres in Arkansas when will the price skyrocket? Only can hunt, fish and farm on it right now.

Uses the word “mate”
> uhh I has BIG boy vocabulary

Obviously this depends on the kid the house and who it's with, but yeah. Lambo's are a brainlet indulgence

Just admit you lost this debate. Just like how Jordan Peterson destroyed the entire left wing, I destroyed YOU....

alright mate

What if I told you that you could have the lamborghini too?

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Moot point, i'm too broke for any.

> Jordan who? This is biz troll over at pol your lost

you didnt destroy shit

How much to realize house and dreams sir?

>the office
back to plebbit, faggot

I think thats true. But a lambo is way cheaper and comes with fewer responsibilities

>Kids and a house

hold onto your family bros. its all ya got in this doggie dog world

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Based and homeless pilled will go use the money to buy crack