Should i long walmart?

should i long walmart?

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meh, this is what passes for based these days? i expected more

Lmao based
She looks like she's got both Corona and aids

This was in Canada. Move along

hahahahahahhah stupid cry baby

they make people wait to stop overcrowding, only ~100 people or so can be in the store at one time

I wonder what went on in these idiots heads, security probably explained it very clearly to them and they just went into fantasy land coming up with some sjw conspiracy to socially masturbate to

Based Bond

is this a man,i need to know before i COOOOM

>shoplifter baggy clothes
idk you tell me

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day of the leaf postponed

even more surprising... BC is on the west coast

Absolutely based.

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Hey I know that Walmart in Nanaimo. It's the only decent sized department store in a well populated town with nothing comparable nearby. I knew homeless guys that would fill their pants with DVDs and walk out cause pussy Canadian laws prevent security from doing shit. Everyone boosted from that store. Maybe theyre cracking down on the raggedy hoes.

is that Portuguese?

yeah this happened

Would these same faggots support closing down bakeries for not making their nigger dick cakes and deny their right to refuse service?

It’s been a long time since I have been proud of my country.
Day of the rake give us one more year to fix our ways

She look like a trap crack whore on the corner of the street
10/10 would penetrate ladyboy in the asshole without a condom.

>In order to get into Walmart don't look like may daughter
I sure would rather kill myself before I go to a Walmart looking like this, so no problem I guess.

God I fucking hate white women

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If you're mentally ill enough to hysterically break down sobbing over not being let into Wallmart, you're probably a security risk

>quick take my picture while my eyes are still red and i'll be looking over there in dramatic effect

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are leafs unironically based?

her mom-bestie calls everycunt 'dude', repeatedly - no wonder Jules is in the state its in
>dem eyebrows tho


The absolute state of this poor girl.
Crying for her own lost identity.
Blame the fucking parents for not fighting to keep their child normal.

"Dressed like a retard" is not a protected class, cunt.

Meanwhile the average walmart customer looks like this

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This person has a medical condition.
