What app is that
Ok now I know youre just talking shit. Oil is right around the price it was when i took profits. Granted would've been nice if id gotten back in at dip and realized same gains twice, but its not priced at some ridiculous number that makes entry prohibitive.
I charged up, and I’m strapped up. Can’t wait for launch
Buy NIO. or Verizon.
NIO for long term moon mission, VZ if you want steady divvies with a stable company. (everybody has a cell phone they arent going anywhere.)
>t. holder in both
Is this about LINK?
Lol nothing is about link u pajeet. You link marines just literally buy and sell to each other
entry is prohibitive because it will moon this week, last time it will be at this price
caveat this with NIO is china companies so there always exists chance CEO will cook the books and "Cuckin Coffee" you to the poorhouse. I have a good feeling about them though. YMMV
Finviz All map.