Is he a gigantic douche or based?
Is he a gigantic douche or based?
Those aren't mutually exclusive.
How much money does he have to keep buying whores?
what does he talk about with them?
Do you really want to hang out with these sluts that have nothing of importance to say 24/7?
Uh, those are men.
imagine how boring women must become after having this much of them
Just a weird dude wasting a shit ton of resources (more than your average person)
how much money their dads have
>How much money does he have to keep buying whores?
based retard, they pay him (and suck his cock) to get their socials boosted
for some, like Katie Bell, it was an excellent investment
There once was a blog called "Hot girls with douchebags" in the 2000s. Some of them were awkward, but then it made me realize, wait a minute, what they're doing is working.
Being a douchebag IS based. Take the douchepill.
100% giant douche. if he could delete all his social media and live the same life he does though, he would be 100% based
based, hands of carbon steel, single minded
thats literally all it takes
based but also blue pilled
That boob job in the middle is going haywire
based curmudgeonly old walmart greeter
they probably talk about gossip and similar shits and do sport all together. They probably browse Yas Forums in secret
He could be buying gold instead. What even made him wealthy in the first place? Also, I fucking hate myself from going through this phase. I was a giga fucking MORON paying for where's attention and all of the food, bars, casinos, hotels, and clubs. What a fucking waste of money and time. I would go back in time and beat the absolute fuck out of myself to prevent that from ever happening. I have a wife and kids now and I would be happier to just have been able to put all that wasted money towards gold or silver. Youth is truly wasted on the young. I always get so fucking pissed from my past.
There is something much worse than that. The chick who thinks she has something important to say but is really just a pseud.
not gonna lie
would bang the shit out of jules
So women, then?
manlet baby dick
Social media is how he brought about this life. Thots want to join in on the party.
Some of you guys act like you want to talk high philosophy with women. Lol are you fucking serious? Women are for fun, pleasure, and cooking and taking care of the kids. Talk philosophy and business with your bros. There's a reason why colleges for a long time banned women, except for things like nursing or other feminine jobs.
Literally who?
Who's that guy even and why would I care?
Probably paying some e-thots to take a bath with him. Good for him if he's got the money.
>has enough money to do almost anything at any time
>that's based
>won 47 millions from one poker game
>never touches poker from that point on
>dad was a Madoff type of con but the victims' money was never recovered
There is also some rumor about working with the cia in vegas but that goes into schizo posting
>Probably paying some e-thots to take a bath with him.
based retard, they pay him (and suck his cock) to get their socials boosted
for some, like Katie Bell, it was an excellent investment
Kek is that his dick showing
you'd get used to it just like you take the bus or drive a luxury car; you'll only notice a difference when you change your habit
p based
if i had a bunch of money and was gigachad i'd spend a couple dollars enjoying my night
these plastics chinks are gonna end up killing themselves so enjoy every moment before that!
its already haywire. can someone explain thot logic to me? they know what their only value is and enhance it . so why do they invest so little into fake tits that look like they were done in 1992? they had one job, one value point, and they fucked it up by getting a backalley titjob for 1k when they could have seen a legitimate surgeon and gotten a decent looking boob job. there's no excuse for boob jobs that look like shit she might as well just stuff a few apples or cantaloupes in her chest, looks about the same
fake tittied whores
imagine his nightmares