How long does it typically take to get unemployment in the US?
How long does it typically take to get unemployment in the US?
Depends on what state you're in. And nothing is typical right now.
Last time I went on unemployment, it took me about 2 weeks to get my first check. My former employer fought me over it, but it was a wrongful termination, so the judge sided with me pretty quick.
>he's non-essential
>he can't even work from home
I fought my employer in court too, saying the n word should be the right of every citizen on earth.
>took me about 2 weeks to get my first check.
was same for me last time i collected U.I., 10 years ago
I got my CDL when I was younger, amazing how much of driving a truck is keeping track of cars on your periphery.
If you're
If you're in Florida, never.
>The online application was intentionally made difficult by Rick Scott
>Ron Desantis made it even worse
>Nobody can log into the system to apply for unemployment
>Even if you do, over 1 month later, they still aren't paying benefits to people who managed to apply
>The site is down for "maintenance" for 12 hours a day so you can't try to log on during off-peak hours
You will have to wait for the class action lawsuit to get any money from Florida.
I'm in New York, I filed for unemployment on a Thursday and had my first check in my bank account on the following Tuesday. So 5 days, maybe less if there's not a weekend
when is this additional $600 supposed to show up? is it just gonna automatically be applied or do i have to sign up for another thing?
Mine got automatically applied
this week?
Took me 4 weeks in nyc
This week will be the third week of it I think, I just got mine last week and out the 4 weeks of retroactive lay 2 of them had the extra 600
And when I put my turn signal on to switch lanes and get out of your way, dont jump your retarded ass over into the lane im switching to and try to pass me. Youll end up under my wheels. Wait ONE FUCKING SECOND and ill be out of your way. Fuckin NPCs piss me the fuck off, swear to Christ.
interesting, guess i'll just have to keep waiting a few states over then
I've already got 2 extra 6 hundies and will be applying for my 3rd tomorrow. You have to certify benefits every week
I'm still waiting for my unemployment. My job still paid me from March 22- April 9, so the system said I didn't qualify. I want my $800 weekly.
>Have suffix on surname
>Employer is a dipshit and forgot to add it to his files of me
>File for corona unemployment
>Receive notice today, the fucking day my claim is meant to be processed, there's a problem with my claim because my surname+suffix doesn't match the surname on file with my employer
>Ohio's fucking website is down so I can't see if it's been fixed
I am screaming in sheer terror, I need every penny I can get right now.
i got fired from a job a few years ago because I got in a fist fight with a coworker. Filed for unemployment, and they sent me a letter saying it was being denied or something because the company gave the reason "Fighting on company property". However it was supposed to go to arbitration, and they gave me a date and time that they would call me. I slept through it. They somehow decided to award me benefits anyway.
This has nothing to do with your post i guess just an unemployment story
expect 2 months or longer. you will eventually get back-pay but it will take several calls. always call, dont bother with the website. don't expect to get money during this crisis, only after the dust settles you will see anything from them.
>elephant racer
>im doing you a favor
and THEY'RE the NPC...
It will take a few weeks and you won’t hear anything from them in the mean time. It’s a goofy system. You’ll just start getting directions in the mail one day
That's a very nice idea that doesn't work because most truck drivers hop lanes like it's a game of hopscotch, go at absurd speeds in dangerous conditions or in crowded areas with narrow lanes, and try to pass other vehicles. I've literally been boxed in by three semis on the highway before because the one in front of me couldn't see me, the one behind me was tailgating me, and the one to my left was trying to pass us in the other lane but because he was in a fucking semi truck couldn't accelerate fast enough and just hovered in-between them for nearly five minutes.
why'd you nig out on the job
long story but coworker was a jealous manlet. had met up with a female coworker and friend at a bar, he was there and i didn't know him very well. was being mega douche for no reason and I told him to fuck off, pushes me, say alright fuck this im out. Next week Im walking out of work and hes walking in, bumps into me and I tell him something along the lines of back the fuck up. Guy pushes me, I punch him in the face. He was into BJJ and did some takedown on me and I bit into is shoulder hard as fuck and grabbed his hair and pushed his face into the ground. Couple people had come outside at that point and separated us
I got mine with my second deposit into my account CA. I still haven't gotten it got my first payment period and probably never will
>bite and hair pulling
oh so you a bitch i get it
faggot bitch boy
lol get fucked, I'm not a trained fighter and couldnt give a shit less what it takes to physically stop an aggressor.
gamers need to rise up and eliminate niggers and women
stimulus check - unemployment - CVG
i got on unemployment a few days shy of a year ago. my unemployment year/claim is about to end. i exhuasted all my state benefits about 6months ago.
can i get an unemployment extension and collect the $600 federal benefits for the next 13 weeks?
>i assumed i was within the timeframe window to"re-open a claim" but the website is hinting that i will be ineligible if i have not received a payment within the last 24days,
>banned from making new thread
>Americans have to get permission from the company that fired them to get unemployment
Oh no no no no ahahahahahahahah
>Sorry Goy, Mr Goldstein said no!