>he's not already in for the premarket gap up Never gonna make it.
Mason Taylor
Doctors code everything as wuflu. They have two wuflu death codes, one means "really, actually and definitely died of wuflu" the other means "meh we don't know but we're going to assume wuflu." Almost all of them are the latter, CDC came out and said "just code everything wuflu if you're not sure" and due to perverse incentives that's exactly what's happening. All flu deaths are being credited to wuflu, all pneumonia deaths, etc. If you're still trading on last week's understanding prepare to get raped in the market. That is all.
Colton Wood
Do you actually understand how wuflu causes deaths? It doesn't literally strangle people to death. And you can deduce the rate from just abnormal deaths. > If you're still trading on last week's understanding prepare to get raped in the market. That is all. Everyone should be trading based on the incoming earnings reports.
Daniel Johnson
>t. MAGAtard
Gabriel Hernandez
Lmao never gonna make it bobo
Lucas Wood
>I know better than medical professionals Fuck off retard
What the fuck happened in the last minute of trading, unless I'm missing something?
Christian Parker
the smug looking boomer in OP's pic
Connor Foster
>He doesn't know Lmao
Robert Collins
You're missing the point, he doesnt "know more" than a medical professional, he just knows that the medical professional is lying
Brandon Jenkins
I buy based on where the market will go. If it goes up, I buy up. It goes down, I ride it down. >ignoring earnings reports because of personal politics Rookie mistake. NGMI
Nolan Sanders
Is Yas Forums really this blue-pilled? No wonder most of you lose money.
Charles Ortiz
It is literally impossible for WWE to not be up after the earnings meetings. The speakers are total wormtongues and the whales are literal retards who have no idea what's going on. As long as Vince doesn't give another boomerbubblefaggotism like "lol, data doesn't matter", it will go up.
Cameron Long
they rolled over to the next future contract price as the current one (the one where oil is about $18) is expiring soon.