/entg/ - Entrepreneur General

Let's get one good thread going on this board - edition

You have to prepare NOW for when all that corona fury is over.
What are your plans and ideas?

Please check previous threads for inspiration.
Ask any questions and hopefully an user can help.
Be polite but tough love is welcome.

In this thread, I'm going to compile the best income streams ordered by investment required, including both online and offline options

Little to no Investment($100-$1k), very hands on
>Direct Response Copywriting
>Social Media Marketing
>Digital Media or Marketing
>Affiliate Marketing
>Media Buying
>Web Development
>Freelance software development
>Making Online Courses
>Self publishing Ebook (comprehensive guide: kindlepreneur.com/book-marketing-101/)
>Product Arbitrage

Some Investment Required($1k-10k)
>POS Systems
>P2P Lending
>Authoring or Online publishing
>Vending Machines
>Automated News sites or any kind of automated blog
>Automated online Arbitrage with the help of a buy bot

Large Investment Required, but still very passive(10k+)
>Parking Garages or lots
>Batting Cages
>Rental Properties
>Buying Royalty rights on music, media, etc

If you have any comprehensive guides. Post them and we'll add them here.

Feel free to add more and share your knowledge, experience, advice with others, but I think that's a lot of value that you won't find in most threads here.

Previous thread: too long ago

Biz Dropbox

Attached: 1559070303157.jpg (750x728, 93.65K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Manufacturing is going back to the West. Buy space units in small town's business parks?

The most important part for me that is often overlooked is:

What is your personaly and with what kind of business does it match?

For example sales is incredibly profitable but if you are a social retard like many of us here are, the pain getting somewhat decent at it is unbearable and wagecucking a much better option.

as property investment?
this needs a lot of cash

What are you proficient in?
Do you have any special knowledge?
Any special skill, equipment, space?

Write that down and work from that on.

To add to that there are also some platforms that sell businesses. Some are complete crap, e.g. flippa but if you have $15-150k you can buy decent ones for 2-5x the anual profit (of cause I would assume these are pumped up numbers). Examples: feinternational.com/buy-a-website/

I will share one idea just to keep thread going:
Production of APFSDS dummy rounds for /k/ folk. It is not a huge market but premiums would be good. Military/tank guys would love to have that as a trophy in their mancaves.

Attached: ZnDoD0eQ95U.jpg (1036x1260, 166.48K)

Bottom one CNC from steel.

Attached: d7eb6nt-7356413f-d252-4c3d-adf0-f85e4d414718.jpg (1920x1080, 238.53K)

Thing is, for example, I built up my reputation artificially high. I have a phd in bullshitology and write for a national newspaper on bullshitting. But having to make a phone call fucks me up. Or even trying to sell the person on the other end something. Otherwise, I could be swimming in money from consulting and speaking.

I know that feel.
For me its going 1on1 with someone in private it goes fine.
But speaking towards a group and everything gets fucked up.

So as first step: find out what you are good in

What do you guys think about opening a low scale manufacturing company in the U.S with less than 10k?

I will be DIY the machinery and the product until I get capital to scale up

space AND machines for 10k?
what about monthly costs?


redpill me on how to make consistent profits with day trading, just enough to make a living like $100 a day or something like that, nothing particularly crazy. im just afraid of losing money.

Network marketing and mlms unironically do very well during bad economic times. I found a free one that acts as an affiliate where you can sign up others. I signed up 250 people through bots and other groups and have a team of 800. Most people dont do anything since its free but have some consistent sales across the board through my team. No having to buy tons of product monthly or front loading having to buy tons of product like mlms.


me: no ideas

What on earth are you going to make with DIY tooling? Basic shit for your neighbors? Do you have any experience in this?

Any affiliates in here

Where do you get materials to build furniture

Yeah. Been doing cbd affiliates for awhile now. Theres also immune boosters which are selling well during china virus. New glutathione product too which is another immune boosting product.


Any day trading advice?

You need capital, for 36.5k a year you need to make 30% yearly roi, on 120k starting capital, that's a very good ROI for a newbie

Sorry I can't help with daytrading.
That's also something with high risk to tell other people how they will probably lose their money.

I got a room with no direct sunlight, good ventilation and high humidity. I could install a window if needed and reduce the humidity. Growing weed is illegal here, but what could I use the space for? Microherbs seems like a niche business that wouldn't get anywhere in my location, and I've thought about running a node or having a 3D printer, but 3D printing seems like a barely profitable business.

Any ideas?

I don’t get it. This is your associate Link isn’t it? Do I become your sales bitch? How do I make others my sales bitch?


I work in phone sales
I guess I've never been as bad as some of the guys here, but I'm no social butterfly either. anybody who is on Yas Forums probably has something a bit off with them lol. That being said I think there is a large portion of the people that post here would not just do it but do it well and surprise themselves

good thread OP have a bump

what is the best way to get a dating website off the ground?

Just sign up others if you want to leverage their sales. Its a wholesale buyers club affiliate style. Have a lot of brainlets that do nothing but when its free its to be expected. Signed up a lady awhile ago and she did a craigslist ad and signed up a boomer that sells $3k of cbd a month to his friends and family. Not bad.

I have spent about a year doing copy-writing online. I do this on the side to my daily job in sales as well as other stuff I do via Fiverr and other stuff.

I am an OK writer and I think I have it in me to start writing for some bigger clients because so far all I get are cheap jobs, jobs for content mills and just generally a lot of uninspired trash.

Can anybody shed some light on how one would start to approach larger clients? I have a portfolio of writing, but no website, I just host it on a public Google Doc. I think I could very well carry on with it to be honest, the lack of website isn't the problem

Should I build a list of potential clients and just start emailing them? So far I have written about everything and for everybody, but I figured best course of action would be to narrow down to maybe 5 topics max.

Anybody got any exp with this?

something unique
like bumble with "only the women can start the conversation"

also being jewish helps
as usual, guess who is in charge of all the big dating apps

Shittake and other gourmet mushrooms.