Living in Russia is so comfy bros.
Have a house near the woods in close proximity to second biggest city, unlimited supply of hot 18-19 pussy, dirt cheap costs of living, friendly people.
>t. remote programmer
Living in Russia is so comfy bros
Sounds nice user
Unironically no.
There are downsides ofc like supposedly oppressive government but in reality if you are not an active opposition nobody gives a fuck and all interaction with government is handled over the internet. Regulations are extremely lax and taxes are low as fuck.
Was gonna ask you about porn restrictions but then remembered it's pointless with all that unlimited hot pussy. I imagine you're paid well enough. Grats, user.
Can you describe more about the young hot pussy available in Russia?
how do you get the chics?
Are you born russian?
What about crime?
t. someone who lives in an actual 1st world country (not ameristan)
I work a lot on personal projects/have hobbies so I don’t have a lot of time for chasing girls and have average looks so I look at pornhub occasionally. You can just use a 2$ a month VPN and coom just as in USA. Pornhub is prob the only adult site that is blocked, almost all other degenerate content is freely available, also government doesn’t give any fuck about torrenting if you are not seeding it on extremely large scale.
>yo bro tell me more about girls
>yeah I just use pornhub
Yo Russki бpaт, any idea wtf is happening in the cities rn?
All the developed countries are printing money like crazy, yet Ruble is the one crashing, even compared to EUR. Russia previously said its virtually virus free, but is now suddenly showing infected number growth faster than anywhere else and some videos emerging of ambulance cars queuing in front of the hospital over a km. Your cabin in the woods sounds a good plan. Hope you staying healthy and relatively vodka free there.
Do you speak Russian tho? And isn't the weahter shit?
go back to 2channel's /b
Sure fren. You just use Tinder and talk to them via telegram then. I don’t even have Instagram. I imagine it’s the same as in first world. 70% of women are slutty and will fuck if you take them to a bar and buy drinks, oh and also you should be Yas Forums.
I have never had anything stolen from me or been subject to any violence. I live in second biggest city though, there are a couple of areas you’d want to avoid but from I can tell there is actually less crime than in say Germany (some hotel administrator scammed me there when I visited berlin last month for a week).
Lack of testing previously. Economically wise I’m getting payed USD (critical aspect of comfyness anywhere outside of USA) so I’m good. Russians will most likely get their incomes reindexed at the expense of government oil revenue reserves, but it must suck for most of them
I do. Weather is actually getting warmer by the year lol, this year there was barely even any snow at all.
So you are in St. Petersburg. Is it easy to visit the nearby countries from there? Short trips to Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia sounds like some fun as well for a change. They seem close enough to be a cheap travel.
I always wanted to learn Russian, what would you recommand me doing for that ? I was thinking doing a year immersion in Russia, but :
1) I don't know where would be the best city to do that
2) I want to be part of a programm to do that, because if I go there on my own and stay at one I will just depress
3) I know I'm going to struggle socially because I wouldn't be speaking any russian at first, but I would want to be close to the native people after a while.
Any recommandations ?
btw, I have passive income so money isn't an issue. I have a 2k€ budget a month
yeah user, good for you, but you are one of them, if foreigner would move in they would really stick out and not know how to be safe, similar how you got scammed in Germany, that would never happen to one of the locals...
Yes, pic related. Almost everyone in St. Petersburg goes to Finland like once a year for a short trip to get tax-free goods or get drunk and do fishing and sauna
>friendly people.
Now I know you're lying
If you’re not a Slav don’t bother learning Russian
Nice. St. Petersburg really does seem to be the best city to be in Russia. Moscow is just in the middle of the forest with nowhere good close by to go to.
post pic of chick with overmade-up face, freckles that look like they came from chernobyl, and fucking sold sores (herpes) around her mouth tabooot.
Yeh bro, the promised land.
also has anyone else noticed that even the hot russian chicks we meet in our lives, almost all of them have bad teeth. like, constantly..
I learn languages as a hobby, it gives me an excuse to do a long stay in a particuliar country and move out when Im done. I wish I could speak all the european languages but that's just a utopic goal never to be reached
St Petersburg hands down
If you are in college, apply for exchange like Erasmus or something like this. Else I think you can find a reputable language school and apply there
This part is always tricky as it all depend on your personality, in general try to easen up a bit and have a drink here and there to socialize, lots of Russian girls are interested in foreigners from first world, some of them are gold diggers ofc, but in general they will just be interested in talking to you about life in your country etc, there are plenty of girls out there with low body count that are dateable too
I want to go to Russia,
If you got illimited money, do Saint Petersburg is really best than living in Moscow center in your opinion ? I speak for traditionnal girl and quality of life . I don't speak russian but learning
and what do you think abour Krasnodar ?
Ok hohol.
In reality they are a bit better looks-wise than women I see on the streets in the west, but that may be overgeneralization. Average girl looks sort of like this.
I think if it’s your first time you’d probably be better off visiting just Saint-Petersburg. Moscow is a retarded child of some western and Chinese city, it’s dirty and prob not safe. Also lots of people speak decent English in Petersburg, and almost all young people. Krasnodar is most likely a shithole though
You live near Stalingrad user?
The hidden Yas Forums discord server is discord gg CpqQw7b
It has to stay hidden or discord will shut it down.
As far as discord knows it's Wayne Lambright's official campaign discord.
That’s a man