Why aren't you trading options anons?
Why aren't you trading options anons?
I don't like gambling.
I'd rather bet on soccer games, at least there is entertainment to watch instead of seeing graphs all day long
can confirm. i started trading options and even though ive been doing it fairly conservatively i still turned $2,300 into $802 over the past 2 months. ive had some good wins but way more bad trades. mostly because using logic and intelligence to bet in a manipulated market is really hard
>soccer is entertaining
>true Amerilard
>you need to be american to see that soccer is boring as fuck
Because somehow i don't understand it (i'm 33 and studied engineering)
You bought May SPY puts at the bottom didn't you
I’m Gernan and Soccer is the most gay boring shit tier sport that ever existed. Same counts for American Football. Their sole purpose is cash-grabbing marketing targeted at beer drinking idiots
I don't think I have ever said this to a person of your origin before but
based German
>engineer thinks because he studied one thing in school, he just magically by osmosis should know all other things
You have to study and get experience with them just like everything else. Being an engineer doesn't make you god. Don't know why you lot can't ever get this through your over inflated heads.
Theta gang always wins.
Engineers trained in the UK, France, and the US are trash because those countries use the new "educational" system where they basically train you to "do" an engineering job. In eastern European countries, getting out of an actual engineering course means you are at least at +1 sigma fromt the rest of the population.
I would say studying engineering in a specific field kinda opens you up to all the other engineering fields due to learning concepts that are across disciplines (bernoulli relation, vector analysis, control sys etc.).
But unironically, most engineers are pigeonholed as says, like these fucking autists cant comprehend extending over from electrical->mechanical, chemical->civil etc.
Its actually INSANE how ignorant these fuckers can be, but actually, these subjects all have unifying similarities of mathematics, CAD, coding etc.
But to drive the point home, for those of us that are awake and seeing similarities, you do kinda osmosis into other disciplines.
American here, completely agree. You can also throw in baseball, too.
Sports actually fun to watch are tennis, golf (only if you play), and gymnastics. There are more, but I am not as familiar with them.
I am. My account is finally going to be positive, after all the money I lost trying to pick stocks like a gambling idiot.
Options are inherently great for conservative profit/insurance if you own an underlying equity position. They get a bad rap from degenerate gamblers (I also gamble with them, yolo). But owning collar positions will help long term investors shore up gains and limit losses.
It's the same thing with most selective professions, like doctors here in the US. Studying to be a doctor, then going to medical school means you likely have a high IQ. They take this to mean they are good at everything, without stopping to realize that it means they simply have potential, which means jack shit if you don't study it and learn about it.
t. MD/MBA student
Ice hockey hands down the best spectator sport to watch.
Completely forgot about icehocky, you are right user, though I still like the other three I listed just as much.
i was trading options and then i lost $10k so now im no longer trading options
Options are great seeking 3x triple up every day when you should be seeking 2 percent gain daily.
Have any ever seen what 5% daily gain does to a 1k account after a year (252 days) of trading? 218 million dollars. 2% daily turns into 147k.
I tried trading options, went in with $1000 and now have $20. People who claim to do well with options have survivors’ bias or have been doing this shit for years and have a formula or game plan they use with greeks/price movement. Everyone else gets spit roasted, and they get fucked eventually.
Basketball would be up there to if Larry Bird was still playing
Basketball is honestly fun as fuck to play and watch and the people here that hate it are 5’8 manlets who would get posted up on one time, ragequit and never play again
Think of it like betting the over/under on a basketball game. If the total points at the end of the game are over or under some agreed upon amount, someone wins right? Except this game doesnt end. So we agree on a expiration date.
So a 250 call(over) that expires at the end of the month means I'm betting on XYZ stock to be over 250 next month.
The price you pay is for the OPTION to exercise your contract. 1 contract = 100 shares I either get to sell to you at $250(put) or buy from you(call) at $250.
Like if I bought a $1 call option that expires tomorrow and the price is $250, that's going to be trading dollar for dollar because its guaranteed to happen. If the price on the share drops a dollar, the contract loses $100. That's called the delta. A high delta(close to 1) means the contract is virtually guaranteed to finish in the money.
Time is your enemy sir.
People who buy and hold options for more than 24 hours get fucking rekt.
You buy, catch a wave, and get out. I make about 90k a year in options trading. Rarely hold overnight. Except with earnings. With all these upcoming earnings statements, wait for a pump and buy a cheap put option and wait for earnings to report in the morning. With a little luck you might double up.
What’s an option explain to me like I’m 5 pls I’m new here
True words. College ball is where it’s at imo. I miss the NBA from the late 80’s and 90’s
I still don’t understand it
Man, he really tried helping you out and you still don’t get it. Stay away from trading in general fren
Then just walk away. There are people in this world smarter than you and if you cant grasp abstract concepts like trading potential values, you're playing on their turf and you're going to lose.
I explain it to my wife like this, imagine betting on a sports team to win the championship, you get 40 to 1 odds. They make it all the way to the superbowl but you dont think they're going to win. So you sell the betting slip to your friend for 20x its value because he thinks they will win and if they do, he will double his money. And you've made 20x your money.