She(my gf) doesnt want to work and im basically financially free

So guys the thing is that im financially free and have a nice gf (bascially wife). She constantly mouns about her work and that she really dont want to work anymore. Meanwhile we think of moving together.
Would you guys consider telling your wife that you earn passive income without doing work?
I would tell her that im working from home and would basically play vidya all day.

My Background:

Am 29 and doing roughly around 3k€ dividend per month because i wagecucked my twenties away, which is enough to retire where i live and im afraid telling that to her because you never know if she is a gold nigger.
I would do this instead, do 2 accounts on my pc.
On the first one i would have some excels open just in case that bitch is getting curious
On the second one i would be having tons of games.

I would tell her that im working for a tech company as a Databank Officer, KEK.

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nice blog post faggot

How much do you have invested to get 3k in dividends per month?

>She(my gf)

Why are you in a relationship with someone you don’t trust?

“She” is a man

Tell her you run your own online company that you have to control 4-6h a day.

don't let her not work. She will take advantage of you, and despise you when she sees you not working even though youre making money (she will perceive this as laziness, and all women will eventually come to despise it). Cue the divorcerape and everyone telling her shes brave and powerful. Also, if you're both at home all the time you will grow to resent each other. People in a relationship need time away from each other.

This. She will turn into a turbo leech. My wife'ly enjoys her job and I will keep her from quitting once I make it.

dont be another cuck simp that lets his whore get away with free loading... and moving her in? lol enjoy having your entire life change to revolve around her childish wants and needs and demands cuz she'll expect you to cater to her. if you were smart you wouldnt move her in and you'll keep telling her adults work jobs or earn a form of income and she needs to keep doing that. but im pretty sure you'll go cucky mcsimp route and let her freeload cuz "thats what a man does he takes care of his girl" cept its not 1927 and females are supposedly equal to men so she can earn her way like men have been doing forever

trusting woman kek its like trusting a dog or a child

You'll live a lie that will slowly destroy your relationship, tell her the truth or leave that bitch if u cant trust her.

All in your divis into SUTER and tell her you are a degen gambler if it goes down and a silver spoon baby if it goes up (it's only going up)

>an entire thread of simps saying: make her work!
its called having a wife. its been this way forever....what did you tards think you were getting when you started fucking her?
its amazing to see people who live in a completely different reality

Assuming you're both white:

Tell her if she wants you to support her, she needs to provide children for you. Don't let her move in until she has the first baby.

>She constantly mouns about her work and that she really dont want to work anymore.
tell here she can get a break only if she is pregnant, but she has to go back wagecuckin as soon as kids go to school
also, she will be the only one cleaning your toilette, she is the one cooking, she is the one doing the groceries, and shopping is only allowed once each season
you can build a studio inside your house and pretend you are working, so you can shitpost at least 8h without interference

you don't know what a simp is

my wife is working btw
I pay the rent and she pay bills and groceries
next year we will have a baby so she can stay home until the kid can go to school

Basically this, give her 3 kids to work for ~25 years just for "muh dna" lmao. But seriously I have #2 on the way. Sex without procreation is a larp, why even have a partner if you're not going to raise a family together.

How willing is she to cook n clean user

Dump her and find another one.

Considering 4% divs that would be close to 1million.

Nice work on the portfolio. But unfortunately, if you want things to work out with her going forward, you can't afford stagnation.

Question: if your gf is a 9 and a 10 comes along and offers you everything that your gf can but also the reality she is a 10, what do you choose?

Option one: No, I have moral standards.
This option is approx. as common as individuals who hold themselves to some kind of standard, most or all of the time (I've never observed data to make me believe that the factor of gender is not independent from this behaviour. Some of you have some crazy fucking ideas about females. Sort it or continue to fail with relationships, sorry). Assuming no additional factors for the purpose of this argument, the probability of this outcome in a singular event: x

Option two: Sweet, upgrade!
Go with it, forget the consequences suffered by the other party and take the best possible outcome at a each given opportunity. Probability of outcome in singular event: 1-x

There's only two options. Take or leave. A quick fuck and bail is still take.

Considering our animalistic nature, evolution has males and females looking for two different things which net the same outcome. Men are looking for fertility while women are looking for security. The outcome for both is the dna transferal success meme.

So flipping the question on its head from above, a dude with 10/10 finances comes along and put the question to your gf, what's she gonna say? Introducing the additional factors we ignored before, perhaps you two just had a disagreement still causing havoc between you. Normally moral Jill is having second thoughts. Or maybe not, maybe she sees the bigger picture? Is it gonna be x or 1-x. Maybe one instance she'll crack, maybe never. Who fucken knows cunt, you're both just biomachines with shithouse bayesian systems.

You might have 9/10 finances and that is sick, I'm stoked for you.

But if you want to fuck like the chief ape, you have to be the chief ape.

Why am I the only person who is curious about him already having 3k in dividends.
Did you work 2 jobs?

He's larping. 3k a month from divies after taxes is 5k before taxes. He's young so the absolute most he should be withdrawing is 4% per year. That means he has at least 1.5 mil in stocks. To get that much, after tax, he would've had to make about 2.5 mil.
"wagecucking in my 20s", unless he was making 250k a year for 10 years, is a lie.

Coild be a inheritance tho

>trusting women

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This guy knows how to number!

cope, womem desire chad more than security. if you are not chad, its safe to assume no woman will be loyal to you.

>and have a nice gf (bascially wife)

This. Women no longer need the financial security once offered by men because they have equal jobs, equal rights from daddy government, being a single woman in your late 20s and 30s is no longer frowned upon in society so they're in no rush to partner, and they know in the back of their mind that they can divorce a man and get half of his stuff. Women no longer look for the same traits in men that they did 50 years ago.

Break up retard

She'll divorce you and take your shitty dividends away I see it coming a mile away

Or don't and remember my post on Yas Forums years from now

You can tell this is a larp because the girlfriend would already know he isn't going to work.

My bitch has her own place only thing I do is buy takeout and give dick

I can tell you're a woman. Shes honored by my mere presence I really dont have to buy food or any bullshit at all. But food is food, nah mean? Its not drugs bro you suppose to share food with others

>I would tell her that im working for a tech company as a Databank Officer, KEK.

Top kek

you're fucked btw