Nice work on the portfolio. But unfortunately, if you want things to work out with her going forward, you can't afford stagnation.
Question: if your gf is a 9 and a 10 comes along and offers you everything that your gf can but also the reality she is a 10, what do you choose?
Option one: No, I have moral standards.
This option is approx. as common as individuals who hold themselves to some kind of standard, most or all of the time (I've never observed data to make me believe that the factor of gender is not independent from this behaviour. Some of you have some crazy fucking ideas about females. Sort it or continue to fail with relationships, sorry). Assuming no additional factors for the purpose of this argument, the probability of this outcome in a singular event: x
Option two: Sweet, upgrade!
Go with it, forget the consequences suffered by the other party and take the best possible outcome at a each given opportunity. Probability of outcome in singular event: 1-x
There's only two options. Take or leave. A quick fuck and bail is still take.
Considering our animalistic nature, evolution has males and females looking for two different things which net the same outcome. Men are looking for fertility while women are looking for security. The outcome for both is the dna transferal success meme.
So flipping the question on its head from above, a dude with 10/10 finances comes along and put the question to your gf, what's she gonna say? Introducing the additional factors we ignored before, perhaps you two just had a disagreement still causing havoc between you. Normally moral Jill is having second thoughts. Or maybe not, maybe she sees the bigger picture? Is it gonna be x or 1-x. Maybe one instance she'll crack, maybe never. Who fucken knows cunt, you're both just biomachines with shithouse bayesian systems.
You might have 9/10 finances and that is sick, I'm stoked for you.
But if you want to fuck like the chief ape, you have to be the chief ape.