Where will crypto be 50 years from now

Where will crypto be 50 years from now.

Attached: skatesl3.webm (600x800, 1.67M)

Nobody could possibly know but you knew that already you just wanted an excuse to post a thot you stupid fucking cumbrain

In three years, GRIN will be a top 20 coin. Screenshot this

shut the fuck up and tell me who that is

In your ass.

everywhere or no where

I want to breed 10 white children inside this man.

in the grave

I will breed 50 filthy niggers in your 10 white children

that picture is racist. he's just expressing his culture.


That's a man.

>he fell for it

>tfw we just imported millions of them

Attached: 1549926249608.png (512x512, 158.91K)

I hope so.


god just imagine her with a 12 inch bbc

and by this post i know you're dutch

thats a man

Jutta Leerdam

Literally BUILT for bbc

Start with 5 years desu

This give me the source OP you fucking cunt

Superior Dutch genes at full display here

>no tits

Attached: het-1954.jpg (278x400, 31.67K)

flat is justice


i stick my tongue out like that sometimes. do girls think that is hot?

Jutta Leerdam

In the past


It will literally be the “ain’t worth a continental “ of 21st century

Leer? Damn