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I'm sad

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Ive been all in link now for 3 years and never fucking sold and only bought through that whole fucking time


I'm an unregistered sex offender

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Sold @ $2.50 and have a buy order @ $2.37 and refuse to change it. Am I fucked bros?

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I own 69 shares of Dogecoin so I can watch my Robinhood portfolio live.

Even if you make it financially, you will never be able to live with yourself. Hope you know that.

One of my first experiences with crypto was with a mobile first type of coin. I don't even remember the name of it, but I sank $200 dollars into it. I don't even care to open my wallet and transfer it to something else because it's irrelevant.

You too?

What did you do? Have you tried to make up for it? I've burned the last 3 jobs I've had because I give no fucks. I'm sometimes sad about it, but honestly fuck employers.

I live off of dividends traveling around the world. I stay in towns with universities and deflower all the freshmen girls by prowling the campus. I have literally done this with hundreds of girls, I probably have 100 illegitimate children. One time I had a girl and her 16 and 15 year old sisters at the same time, skipped town the next day to avoid lynching.

i stuck a Bitcoin up my ass the other day

I act like a pajeet in all kleros threads even though I’m still buying

I believe it is unironically 'priced in' and although the market is gonna crab for a few years I don't think it is going to dump hard like the bobo's and doomers are predicting.

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we all do fren
i unironicallu hate CW and BSV

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i became a millionare from day trading, but I tell everyone I'm poor so they feel sorry for me.

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nice larp faggot

It's not. One of greatest fears is that I will still be doing this ten years from now and accidentally knock up one of my daughters.

I'm leaving because the price movement is so boring and will be for a long time. Nobody will make any decent money over the next 6 months so I've created an only fans for the wife. Goodbye everybody.

if no larp then dont worry, all you kids were aborted,I wouldn't worry about that.

Many of the countries I did this in abortion on demand is illegal.

How many STDs do you carry?

That's why I only go for virgins, to avoid the STDs.
I get tested when I'm back in the states. No herpes or hpv, got chlamydia once.

Kek. I can't tell if you're joking or not. Post proof.

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At least you didn't sell your entire all in stack at 1.57 haha. That would have been silly haha

All women are whores.

hello bitpriest,

last night i've sold 50% of my btc as im expecting a dump before or right after halving.

What's your strategy? Swinging link?

I sold link at $3.3 and meant to buy at $3 but got too greedy and didnt.

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I saw link posted day by day on Yas Forums. it went from 1000 sats to 50k sats. I never bought.

I bought $25 of link last January for the memes

Just remembered I had it and checked the wallet last week, it's worth $280 now.

In that timeframe I've sunk $12k into BTC


I'm poor

I’m a landlord over 3 woman. They all pay rent no missed payments so no mortgage payments come out of my pocket. Fortunately for me I get to invest roughly $600 per week because what fuck is there to do. These last few weeks I picked up 32 eth between 100$ -169$ I hope I make it.

im dead inside

We know, you're on Yas Forums

I have $500,000 in Suterusu and I'm never going to stop talking about it to everyone I know until I cross the $50,000,000 mark.