What is a good office chair for working from home?

I can expense half of this to the company, so willing to spend around $600

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Imagine her letting you sniff her feet while she ignores you and does her work hahaha lmao wouldn’t that be funny and gross

dunno man but I got one with a headrest and recommend having one. I also got my monitors set up vertically instead of side by side. goes sweet, never get a sore neck or back.

People are going to meme the Aeron. It’s meh

Gaming chairs are made for sitting in them for a long time. If you don't mind the gaming look.

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based haha poster

nigger you aren't doing your rectum any favors. sitting too long in ANY chair will fuck you up with the worse hemorrhoids you can imagine.

get a mat/pillow and kneel at your desk, or get a standing desk. much better for your posture and blood-flow overall

t. hasn’t worked a day in his life

>$600 kneepads
For real OP get some Herman Miller it's good shit

he had one of those fluff positions, social media specialist or something I bet

See if you can get a chair that comes with those feet you can sniff through those stockings

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unironic best answer here. herman miller aeron, they will last 10 years+. if you want a diff model with diff feeling the embody is good as well. you will have warranty for 12 years maybe more and they come to your place to fox it free of charge if anything happens to it somehow.

>kneel at your desk
ok wagie

It will run you more then your budget but the Diffrient World Task Chair is incredible if your under 6'1".

The only non-meme answers are Leap, Aeron, and Embody. Used leaps and aerons can be got for $200ish at almost any used office furniture store. Personally I hate having cold asscheeks and the hard seat rim with aerons. Leaps are great but you may need to reupholster if you get them used (padding worn to zero).

Embodies run around $1000 but everyone seems to agree they're GOAT. Never had a chance to sit in one personally.

All gamer chairs are memes.

This user speaks the truth. Herman Miller is the gold standard for ergonomic chairs.

We have a solution for this

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This. I spent nearly ~1500 on an Aeron and the seat fucking sucks. I'm going to try buying a seat cushion to see if it helps but if I paid this fucking much for a god damn chair I expect it to be amazing right out of the box.

I also tried a Steelcase Gesture. Also sucked. AMA about either one I have both in my room right now.

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Sit on an exercise ball, you fat Amerilards will burn at least a few calories of the thousands you eat per day

Same, have the Herman on the left and I can't fucking stand it. I got a back pillow type thing and a pillow to ease the hard plastic frame of the seat, but on a good day it's comfortable for 10 minutes, maybe.

I was thinking of getting a head rest but after this thread I think I'm going try gamer chair. I can't fall for another Herman Miller overpriced garbage meme

>1500$ on a simp(le) chair

Only if you are a literal billionaire and it effectively doesn't matter. How can you justify paying that much for a fucking chair. Does it also massage you and give you a vibrating heated hole to fuck?

why didn't you, uhh... you know, try sitting on it before buying it?

Agree. The Aeron pretty much sucked for me, too. Maybe if I got the larger size, it'd have been better.

The most comfortable office chair I ever sat in is my dad's old chair, and a chair at a random office I visited every so often. My dad's probably cost €150, tops. The other one €100 tops. It was basic, but the cushions were pretty much perfect. Only thing lacking was a headrest.

Do what I do, go to Office Depot or whatever and sit in all the chairs they have out to test. Find the 2-3 comfiest ones for you and then buy your favorite.

Ones that look comfy often feel like shit. You really gotta sit in them to know. The arms have to be at the right height, etc. I like the high back executive style chairs.

i got memed into an aeron as well, thank fuck they let me return it

If you can find a good quality replica of one of these eames lobby chairs they are pretty good, i have tried a million modern design chairs and hate all of them

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No dumbass sitting in a chair all day will drive any active man insane.

Can confirm my asshole is absolutely wrecked after 10 years in an office. Getting fucked in the ass probably doesn't help either

Red pill me on kneeling chairs

I figured I will get a sanding desk and kneeling chair combo with a regular chair to boot

He's not buying it for his kid

I mind the look though. I would be ashamed of myself everytime I looked at it.


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just look at the wheels, you can tell this is just some edgy poorly engineered shit. Not quality whatsoever.