/smg/ - Stock Market General

bald at 23 edition


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RTX good stock
Oil a shitcoin

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>all the gold and silver FUD going on Yas Forums right now

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Is this the autist janny who posts videos critiquing the boards he is reaponsible for?

How retarded am I for planning to go all in on RTX? (long - 5k)

Also looking at:

Movie night tonight. What's everyone watching?

Get at least LMT if you want defense. AVAV does smaller drones for troops.

How is oil a shitcoin? Seems like a pretty solid investment right now or when it dips more

Buying ZZZ is basically free money, right?

RTX, LMT, KTOS, GD and NOC are all good defense plays, but I think RTX has the best value right now. Buy all of them if you want to diversify your blood money.

Black 47

Oil is for boomers. Enjoy watching your investment chronically underperform until one day it just disappears

I dunno boys these financials and a nearly 7% dividend yield are calling to me

Even if the stock never rises again that's a good deal as a dividend stock

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Next week will boom. With lockdowns ending in some states, we're going to have so much optimism it'll be insane to try to contain it. SPY 300 almost certain.

Just saw a video of a guy living in a small shack in the mountains for years.

I need to hitchhike away soon and it would be nice to one day get a trailer somewhere in the middle of nowhere and do that. I am a leper and social paraiah so this is my life. Wish I saved up money though or something

>Turns out a depression fucks everyone

Shut the fuck up

Bro where tf did you get this picture of my portfolio???

Can we just hivemind and fuck over WSB or something with a pump and dump? I sure as shit don't want to earn my monies. Olden Yas Forums v. NYSE? We could call for Yas Forumslackup.

Would anybody here be willing to be interested in opening an account with Webull using my invite code so you can claim 2 stocks worth from $12 to $200?
If so l would really appreciate it.


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I just googled "worst portfolio in history" and this came out sorry bro didn't know it was yours

Fuck all those who oppose SOXL

Small cap oil and drillers + supporting industries (equipment) are going to get consolidated into something like HAL and APC. Pushing into XOM and OXY seems like a bad play, and tankers are priced in by now. Oil is up on bailouts, expect flatline for 1y+.

Can someone tell me what the actual value to society it is to keep the markets propped up like this? Why is it intrinsically good to do so?

Everyone seems to think that printing money HAS to be bad for economy, as if there is some ratio of Money Printed : Inflation Increased. But what if there is a certain rate of printing money where the benefit of the printed money is optimal and the inflation goes up minimally? For example:

P = Printing money rate
I = Inflation incurred

So say it is generally excepted that Px = Ix. That is the general ratio. However, what if I told you there is a certain rate of money printing that will make this ratio be P(2x) = I(1.2x) So yeah, we can print money at 2x the rate but inflation will only increase 1.2x. This is speculation, guessing, trying to understand what is the entire fucking economy of a country/of the world, but you can't fit this into an equation or predict any of this. The fact is here is no way Px = 1x. My argument is that you can always print money so fucking fast, blazingly fast, that inflation will have a hard time catching up. Print money to FUCKING INFINITY, MAKE THE MONEY PRINTING OUTRUN INFLATION. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

This is the first step to making Heaven on Earth.

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hoping to see cannabis stock bleed this week.

also, I have 3000 to invest, I just had someone pay me back money I let them borrow, what should I invest in?

You get enough money to live without working during the pandemic. Win-win for everyone.

>be willing to be interested

Also, you know posting referral links is against the rules, don't you, kid? Heh. You're dead meat.

Other than your basic thesis being wrong, the idea that you can outprint legitimate inflation is Weimar-tier

I don't think it's objectively "good". You're rescuing a lot of businesses that didn't do their due diligence in preparing for this crisis. It's easier for them to not go bankrupt when their stock is propped up.

US Currency has out printed the inflation.

401k's and retirees are still invested in equities. Some people saw pretty substantial decrements to their retirement plans. Pensions are likewise hurting. But the turmoil and inflationary measures used in the monetary policies to counteract the continued downfall are arbitrary and will have ripple effects deep into the future. If they'd just let the deleveraging happen it would streamline the economy. That may well be what's happening though, if you attend to the YTD map, there's only a small number of companies that have a consolidated sum of wealth accumulating in their equities. The downside though, is when a supermajor hedge decides to take their wins after all this drum-up.

AMZN, TSLA, AMD, NVDA, MSFT, WMT, NFLX have all recovered from the drop and then some. They're actually towing major indexes and ETFs almost by their lonesome, with a handful of biomed companies proposed to shelf a magical curative. I believe this is the "new paradigm" scheme.

>good morning user

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Fuck tripfags.

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>tfw you will never fuck the stupid out of AOC and make her a subservient cute housewife

Those are quintessential crazy eyes. I wonder which personality I'm getting today.


Any member of that site who can copy the article?

First stock is Schlumberger, which I already own, what's the other one?

If you're day trading and you set your stop loss so that you can only lose $100, why not instead just buy $100 worth of call options?
In the first case, if your stop is hit your $100 is gone *poof* but in the case with the option, you still can only lose $100 but no matter how low the price goes in the interim, there's still the chance that it'll come back and you can exit at a profit.
I see no disadvantage using the option here. Either way you can lose max $100 but with the option you have until expiration before it's a total loss whereas just trading shares and setting stops, once the stop hits there's no coming back. What am I missing?

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We must keep the burden of labor upon the filthy millenials. They will bankroll the boomer and the welfare leech a like. Someone has to pay for Raqwasha's 8 kids and someone needs to provide free income to Jaun. The purpose of government is to punish millennials. We must grind this generation into worm people to serve China.

How do I be bullish on defaulted student loans and landlords getting cucked?

The action occurring right now serves only a single purpose, and that is to obfuscate the devaluation of equities and their returns to investors. If you look back into the 80's stock and normalize gains from perfect bottom you're still net negative, only managing to mitigate a fraction of the inflationary action. If you really want a payout you have to actively play the market, follow trends and take profit over and over again while re-investing at each measure. Effectively your win rate has to be off the fucking charts, you have to outperform the SAP by a full SD.

Haha, yeah. Wouldn't it be funny if we all bought, say $10,000 or so of Nova LifeStyle, Inc. stock (NVFY)? I bet even that would really move the needle on this one. Then when the price starts moving up, we can post some "DD" on wsb about the company's "fundamentals" (look at that low PE ratio!), and about how the market is finally recognizing it. Then after we have our thread up for enough time for others to buy in, boom! We all sell our shares at once before they know what happened. What a lark that would be!

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I'm in for 40k

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My plan B if this city shit doesn't work out is to live inna woods and make a youtube series out of me building a cabin inna woods. I'm sure it'll be tough but my struggles will ad drama to the series. I will trade options theta gang style. Without the cost of rent, I think it would be pretty easy to have enough money to just iron condor my living expenses.

Biggest worry is getting raided or murdered by junkies, or shot by cops who think I am a junkie.