How do I capitalize on the growing right wing sentiment among zoomers?
How do I capitalize on the growing right wing sentiment among zoomers?
make youtube videos on topics after 20 min of research on Wikipedia
14/88. Never forget. I dream of white families that are nuclear families, together as a unit working through their problems and never throwing in the divorce towel. Where hard work and dedication are rewarded, and sloth and leeching are punished.
honestly, what the fuck is going on in the world? everyone is anti-democrat now, albeit they brought it upon themselves but holy fuck how? scrapping sanders was the worst thing could've ever done. sure he had some really radical ideas but they were progressive towards a futuristic goal. biden is literal copy-pasta. really think they handed trump a 2nd term on a silver fucking platter. now, this is all assuming we even have an election this year-- you already get whiffs of it via other countries calling for a postponement for their own, it'll only be a matter of time the US does the same. it's almost like a whole generation woke up to the fact that democrats and republicans are just two sides of the same shit coin. and it isn't like before with boomers just bitching about it, you now have millennials and zoomers just simply not giving a fuck. there's still the deluded few just echoing the sentiment of their parents but by-in-large these generations do not give a fuck, they won't vote. "why should i vote, it doesn't matter anyway" and they're right! the old argument was "don't say that, every vote counts! even if its just one!" but now... with the electoral college, it just simply isn't true. they've spliced and diced every county into perfect, manipulated little pieces that they can sway one way or the other. i guarantee this year's election will be the absolute lowest by FAR because people just don't care. if anything, they think trump is funny and funny is relatable. i don't know how to wrap this rant up because i could literally diverge into a barrage of different topics pertaining to this but something is up for damn sure. look how easily the masses we're swayed with fear, overnight everyone started observing, judging and making sure everyone else was following social distancing and stay-at-home orders. your fellow turned to you at behest of the government based upon your safety and healthiness. now you keep hearing the phrases the "new normal", again and again
and believe me, I don't doubt the covid-19 virus is real and threatening but when you look at particular states and see the number of infections at 0.004% of their population... it really makes you start to wonder what this really was all about. and i'm fully aware without these measures that 0.004% would've shot up to 1% or more very easily but at the same time, it's pretty fucking weird how practically every country collectively starting printing absurd amounts of their currencies, how some pounced on an oil price war, how others are heightening surveillance measures AND that's just from the breadcrumbs I can piece together, who knows what the fuck is actually going on behind the scenes. everyone is just sitting around memeing about how they're about to receive their stimulus checks, when absolutely fucking nobody realizes what it means if everyone gets one...
>scrapping sanders was the worst thing could've ever done.
people waking up to the fact that the dems and reps are only there to maintain the status quo is the best thing that could've ever happened to the US. Anything to raise the chance of having a 3rd party in office is a good thing. Trump, Sanders, Yang, I don't agree with alot of their policies but they are virtually independents as is. This is what we need. Innovation; whether for the better or the worse. Maintaining the system is not working for us. If someone doesn't come in with fresh ideas they aren't worth bringing into office.
>what it means if everyone gets one...
I'm guessing you mean inflation. That would be good. Put more stress on the system. Force it to change by breaking it. In this current system I am one of the ones who have to struggle. The majority of us are. Fuck it, UBI, QE, print it all into hyperinflation. That's the bet I took. This is what most of us have been preparing for for a long time. These times of volatility are where the greatest opportunities are. Let it all fall into chaos
>people waking up to the fact that the dems and reps are only there to maintain the status quo
that's a better way of putting it, for sure
Produce cheap knockoffs of official trump merch, trumpfag zoomers are poor and stupid enough that they won't be able to tell the difference and wouldn't care if they could.
Make sure to also upload some videos of "liberals" (dress a friend up in some OP shop clothes and dye thier hair something wacky) getting super mad at people for wearing your epic merch in order to increase its perceived value in the target market and promote awareness of your product.
Yikes, a city slicker
You will never pass as a woman and your wound smells like shit
Stay mad, trumpfaggots
>new normal
the old normal was bad enough already
I wanna go back to pre 2009 times
The deaths to recovered ratio is 37% though
Literally just create Youtube content where you "destroy" left wing strawmen. You'd be hard pressed to make content that is too low brow or asinine for that crowd.
Democracy is stupid, that is what is happening.
Station should be earned, not given. Why should the town methhead who masturbates in dumpsters have the same say in society as an engineer? Why should he be allowed to have children out of wedlock?
>How do I capitalize on the growing right wing sentiment among zoomers?
Run a BDSM brothel staffed by unemployed lazy burger flippers that are tied down and fucked by the infected
>Democracy is stupid, that is what is happening.
democracy has always been stupid, its just less stupid and works better than the alternatives which is why its the hub of the wealthiest, most prosperous and most powerful nations for the last 150 years.
Because I'm an engineer and I say he should. Sort your own fucking life out looser
I agree the best society would be libertarianship for the elite and dictatorship for the masses. The problem with this system is how do you decide who is “elite” and who is “masses” in a fair way? I wish we could have libertarianship for everyone, but most people want a fucking dictator. I don’t know how to convince them otherwise.
Trannies always make the most seething posts
So under democracy you think it’s okay for people to vote away my rights or money? Tyranny of the majority
>he thinks it's democracy
>not that the highly productive White men would have carried it anyway
retard, fucking retard. even in the faggot USSR, White Russian scientists were churning out discovery after discovery even while they were starving and had faggot bureaucrats pointing guns at them.
>but it's the best system we have!
No, the elite just figured out it's the easiest way to manipulate idiots. The best system is meritocratic quasinobility, the one that built Rome.
And I'm a chemical engineer.
Appealing to nature >>>>>>>appealing to your occupation.
It's hard to see a solution because we have allowed education to be delegated to weak men of average intelligence and women. Hard to judge merit when the people doing it lack the intelligence to do so.
One idea I played around with is simply teaching kids basic reading and writing, giving them access to the library and then they are on their own. The ones that are most productive will have time to score high on strength, athletics, intelligence and knowledge in an entrance exam. Then they go to college for free.
Great thread (seriously).
You're an idiot
Does not mean you should do anything other than be a chemical engineer. If you believe there are to many humans, don't value human life or others, practice what you preach and kill yourself first, deprive yourself of a vote or a gun because you are stupid, not others.
>So under democracy you think it’s okay for people to vote away my rights or money? Tyranny of the majority
If only you had read any actual great works of politics, leviathan ,platos, republic, mill, hobbs, clock, rousseau, the Catholic magisterium, hegel,Voltaire instead of shitposting to pol 24/7 like a tard and being too young and too stupid to have any experience of life worth a fuck.
Now shutup and go and buy link or fuck off back to pol and spazz out there
You can vote for people who protect your rights. In theory.
What rights would you have under any other system? Any rights that you may have started with would be striped away with no transparency or recourse.
Reading republic right now. Trial and death of Socrates is coming on Tuesday
This also “subtly” reference memes to make Yas Forums kiddies feel vindicated
>Live in a society full of niggers and illegals who are voting
>they have more voting power
>they decide to take away my rights
>betting on the physically weak, mentally crippled kids of today
You had a hope with boomers, who is actually functional humans. Yet you bet on the inferior broken product. Sad.
What's with these threads? Why are every single one made by a OP who never ever replies to his own thread? From shill threads to political threads. All started by a faggot who then leaves and make another thread. It's getting suspicious.
Don't. It's a waste of time. Stick with Asia. Buy and hold sure things related to privacy and un-discovered (for normies) tech like MPC. ARPA is your key to true riches IMO...but it's going to take a year or two. Just like LINK.