Think we need a Kleros thread, lads

Think we need a Kleros thread, lads.

Attached: kleros.jpg (1400x933, 69.77K)

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in on organic 300+ discord group thread with conversation not related to selling ico bags on other 4channers

50k reporting in!

Attached: cringekleros.jpg (709x815, 58.5K)

Newb here. What is Kleros the token used for today? Like, is there a use case for it?

200k pinkies stored in my gf's vagina.

everyone's got the keys

It's surrounded by a custom ledger chastity belt.

200k here. Decentralized Court + Jury

So a bunch of anons with no prior knowledge of law decide who gets a lethal injection?

Finally a kleros thread so we can "report in" and not really talk about anything else other than how many of the good coin we have and how it's going to moon

300k reporting in sirs !

150k here

where do I buy?


Attached: 1581296382860.jpg (400x400, 19.18K)

uniswap or



if you haven't sold that meme for rpl by now, not going to make it

"Imagine that someone does buy 51% of the PNK in an effort to attack Kleros"

This one gets a YIKES from me. If some fat cat wants to change the outcome of a jury decision, he just throws some money into this, and gets a 51%+ vote.

Good luck, guys. Thank you for making me do some research about Kleros. The idea is ridiculous, it will never work, and nobody of importance will ever trust it.



>Congratulations! You have been drawn as a juror on case #168. Voting starts as soon as all other jurors are drawn.


Attached: 184A8822mia_preview.jpg (2048x1365, 148.06K)

spend 10 million to win a case worth a few thousand?

Totally undervalued

Nobody is using this shit

Less than 200 cases in over a fucking year. They have no strategy for industry adoption. It's a cool idea but clearly not catching on. Hard pass from me

The vidt of the month, next month will have another shitcoin. Please discordfriends chose a coin on binance for your next pump and dump I can't be bother to create an account somewhere else

Pay the receiver

>create account

this lockdown has created permanent summer

nobody is using your shitcoin project. Fuck off

Nobody will talk about your shitcoin two weeks from there

Antishills said that 6 months ago too. Not only did it give absolutely huge gains after sale but it's constantly giving opportunities to swing trade for profit as it still hasn't had true price discovery.
Who gives a fuck about its application. Making money should be your main priority. You're not going to find the next BTC because there won't be one. With ETH the way it is everything will rise as one with only the true shitcoins with no dev team and purpose at all falling to nothing. Kleros isn't in that category alongside many other great money making opportunities that will probably never be implemented but will continue to be worked on and will see a massive price bump once ETH does

hype phase is nearly done for this shitcoin. People are going to wake up to the fact that nobody is using it for a year, and no industry wants to adopt it. Aragon tried the same shit years ago and now it's dead.

Hype phase already died. It's barely posted anymore. That doesn't mean shit considering it's still extremely volatile and all it takes is one surge to make you cash. Why do you give a fuck about adoption? Are you trying to long term hold?
If that's the case then why even look at shitcoins at all? For a 100x? The PNKies that believe that will happen are delusional. Same with majority of the board. The chance of you picking the right coin at the right time is close to zero. The chance of you picking utter shit and losing everything is much higher. Fact of the matter is adoption means fuck all in crypto. Some of the shit priced at several dollars is absolutely worthless, outdated garbage.
Why would you not spread your assets, swing when appropriate and focus on your own personal gain?
PNK is very good for that and honestly that alone. The graphs are super impressive considering everything and there's several project posted on here that follow the same pattern

I'm looking at TRB and XDB. Tellor can ride the oracle/LINK wave for an easy multiplier, they've got support from binance and makerdao. Digitalbits has big corps releasing their own stablecoins on the platform soon. Both are priced less than PNK

kleros just has a nice looking web page and a cool idea. Ebay, paypal, any major ecommerce will never adopt it. The incentives are not there. They won't land any partnerships they can shill, I just don't see what will carry this shitcoin. What do even people have to shill it

>he says, as it goes for ANOTHER multiplier and his shitcoins bleed to 0.

>he doesn't know Aragon is a FORK OF KLEROS.

