Imagine missing out on the 2x last night. McAffee's buying in bulk now.

Attached: HEX-logo.png (250x250, 33.76K)

The coin that saved crypto

Hope you unstaked your HEX 264 days ago so you can cashout at the 2x

You don't have to stake

My village Mumbai missed out. Not!

>264 days ago
nigga what

I've been saying it since the first pump, Richard Heart is crypto jesus.

Attached: Our financial lord and savior.jpg (3200x1740, 1.49M)

>Imagine hopping on the dick of a fat scamming cocksucker with tits
You Hex retards are going to get fucking rekt. Even moreso the ones that staked this sack of absolute shit.

care to elaborate?

A pool using uniswap was recently hacked because of a vulnerability in uniswap that was reported 16 months ago and hasnt been fixed. Id watch yourself using hex because of uniswap

McAfee proof?

>Nice link :-/

McCormack or Vays? Salty nonetheless...

>You Hex retards are going to get fucking rekt
but what's important is that you missed the pump
another one


Hex, like all pump and dumps, is a game of musical chairs. If you dump first you win, otherwise you lose. How much the price goes up doesn't matter until you sell. You could be 500x on paper and wake up the next day to have it all wiped out.

The day the 1st round of stakers get to unlock and dump their coins the price of Hex will plummet to the Earth faster than Richards bitch titties.

Of course he will dump on you before that day even happens because his built in Hex distribution doesn't have to be staked like yours does. He gets 30% of the supply and gets to dump before you do. The entire ERC20 contract is nothing but a giant pump and dump to enrich him.

You are a moron if you buy it and I can't wait to laugh at you when you get rekt.

we have the rest of the year to see how high this will go and when it retraces 85% it will be above the level that it is now.


You aren't even investing. You are just gambling. Go put your money on black or red in Vegas. Same shit but at least you won't pretend you are le based crypto investor instead of a degenerate gambler.

you should all be subscribed to newsbtc and use ccowl

holy shit based

And you are missing out on one of the biggest opportunities of your life!

10k stack for $13 ain't bad. Let's go to the moon boys!

there is no logic to the game theory or economics underneath the coin other than to make Dicky money. Its a big fat scam.

>Doesn't understand it / 10
Stay poor kid

you already missed that by not buying btc at 1$. no scam can save you from that embarrassment

Can this fatfuck finally afford to get a breast reduction?

there was no chance to not miss out on whatever gains this made since the bottom because there's always been literally 0 volume on this. i couldn't even have bought in if i wanted to so stop acting like anyone "missed out"

kek at hexlets
i bought a 100k stack for $6 upon release

kek i just checked and you can dump the price of this coin by 50% if you only sell $800 worth. also, if you buy $300 worth it pumps by 100%. this is the most iliquid shit i've probably seen in my whole life, imagine bragging about "pumping 2x" when the only trading that happoens on this scamtoken is a few dirt poor sandniggers exchanging pennies worth

Attached: .jpg (251x242, 15.4K)

Hah the low volume meme.
Almost 13 million liquidity on uniswap bro
Fuck outta here with that bullshit

The cope is real. Enjoy being poor