How do you cure depression?
How do you cure depression?
Other urls found in this thread:
eat warm foods
lots of root veg, ginger, fennel, tubers, herbs
avoid ruit, nuts, grains, salads
you give yourself even bigger problems and drama to forget the pain and keep doing this until death
or exercise
search on warosu
"how do i cure depression"
by giving me all ur xrp
nah for real though take good care of your body. exercise induced endorphins rushes are the true natural antidepressant. stay active my friend
By being at peace with yourself. Something only you can do.
psilocybin mushrooms
Heavy consumption of porn and never leaving your house. Don't drink water and eat plenty of junk food.
Develop close relationships with your family, friends, and community
Go to sleep early
Wake up naturally without an alarm
Daily sunshine
Avoid blue light from screens
Cancel your internet
Downgrade to a dumbphone
Only eat meat, seafood, veggies, and some fruit and dairy if you want
Find something to be responsible for that makes the suffering of life a fair price to pay
Believe in God
Buy Batbois
>How do you cure depression?
mushrooms and lifting
you're overstimulated, fast and meditate
>Develop close relationships with your family, friends, and community
>Go to sleep early
>Wake up naturally without an alarm
>Daily sunshine
>Avoid blue light from screens
>Cancel your internet
>Downgrade to a dumbphone
>Only eat meat, seafood, veggies, and some fruit and dairy if you want
I used to do all these when I had time but then
>Find something to be responsible for that makes the suffering of life a fair price to pay
Happened and now i don't have the time and energy left to do all of the above. And now my work feels like a coping mechanism, an escape. And time off becomes an escape from work.
Health and happiness are a luxury not granted for all of us. I just slave away and get to achieve nothing, and must aspire nothing more in order to accept this fate.
>How do you cure depression?
Unironically seconding shrooms, though I'd say Ketamine nose spray is superior.
Also exercise, and not light exercise either.
long your life
I think you found the problem yourself. Is your work really a responsibility that makes the suffering worth it, or is it just an escape, a way to keep busy? If you want a cure to depression, you need to find meaning in your life, if you want meaning, you need to go to the source.
I figure you have nothing to lose, so get on your knees with an open mind and let God know, if he is even out there, that you are ready to serve if he’d give you a mission. You might be surprised at the result, I know I was.
Pic related.
I feel God has listened and my existence is something I can live with and perhaps there is a limit to what I can realistically achieve in this life. Fact of the matter is, nobody gets dealt the same cards and some are faced with greater challenges.
Maybe I have found my purpose. In my situation, I can see myself keep on going for 10, 15 years. And that stability is what I have worked and prayed hard for so long. And in the process I've come to realize that not everything is as easy to achieve. Maybe I won't find love, wealth, a family. Maybe that's fine. Maybe I'm an insignificant poorfag. At least I have a place in this world now.
i eat like shit, dont exercise, have unscheduled sleep schedule and im still not depressed. So much of it is attitude and discipline, and keeping boredom at bay.
sleep without an alarm clock, drink water eat vegetables exersize 20 minutes a day lose weight and quit drugs
read Viktor Frank's "man's search for meaning". If a person can find meaning in a concentration camp, you can deal with your normie self loathing. You gotta transform your experiences.
>Jordan Peterson
What do you want to be happy?
This is a new concept
You life expectations are too high, probably from the media.
Stop focusing on trying to help yourself and help others
I used to think frankl was a mind to copy, but then I learned more. Maybe start with Voltaire if you want to find meaning in literature, his works are short and vaguely poetic. Very accessible too
Just produce more seratonin retard
I keep getting fucked in aoe2 definitive edition. Even in the noob matches, I get mogged by some asshole who gets to imperial in like 10 minutes. It's depressing.
This unironically
And then you realize it wasn't even real, it was all in your head the whole time.
My sister is faster on a keyboard than me and whips me on Starcraft. Consider not playing those games m80