What coins are a must have for an anarchocapitalist?
What coins are a must have for an anarchocapitalist?
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BCH and XMR are the ancap starter pack
One dollar bills, and a lot of them. Have a lot of pennies too. Trade all other denomination dollar bills for pennies. Impress with the pennies immediately.
You likely can use only pennies and one dollar bills. You should probably only have pennies, except while you include normies. If you include normies while you take dollar bills then trade your dollar bills for one dollar bills. If you include normies then keep nickels, keep your dimes and keep your quarters. If you take nickel, dime, or quarter then stash to trade with university college mathematics major bachelors. You want pennies from them, but you only trade for the pennies so they understand you can leave them alone sooner or later.
Depends, do you want to be a rich or poor ancap?
NKN, basically only crypto that produces useful services and does commercial activity.
just one, BSV.
The founder Arthur ran the NYC Ancap meetup for 4 years.
Both are declining, especially BCH. In his latest interview, Roger Ver shows signs of being disheartened by BCH's lackluster performance and bad reputation.
BitCoin Store of Vanity (BSV) and PMs.
My aunt needs 372 you are's. she said she is 29.
In return, memory hole intelligence. Remember when Los Angeles city at California state printed one dollar denomination bills? Was more than ten thousand years earlier than now.
I can't remember the letter.
tellor & tellor
necessary non-whitelist oracle for forbidden and otherwise impossible derivatives
from iranian rial to pedo-futures, if there's a market, there's a price
Ancaps aren't anarchists.
*tellor & kleros
>Ancaps aren't anarchists
They're not anarchists. Capitalism requires a state to enforce "property rights." Capitalism and anarchism are mutually exclusive.
>Capitalism requires a state to enforce "property rights"
All in Ethereum and Zcash
- I'm a Blockchain dev and everything else is a scam.
Anything requires my people to enforce my property rights. Just onething requires my people to enforce my property rights, and even just only onething requires my people to enforce my property rights.
See Possadism among no one, anonymous, ruled by D-class foundation blessed in close proximity to signal intelligence leads longterm homes.
A minimal government funded by the mutual benefit of corporations would suffice.
Government as a service would be the only way any form of government can survive Blockchain Economics. So it would be minimal and issue enforcement orders Private Security contractor companies would be allowed to enforce.
Basically any privacy coin with a low supply. Monero is probably your best bet if you don't mind holding for a few years.
lead's, or the knights.
Incoherent post.
EOS, BCH, Monero
Monero obviously because the privacy, fungibility and wide adoption.
BCH because the fast and low cost transactions make it an idea cash substitute for commerce (the promise of bitcoin, unfulfilled). Soon BCH will have mandatory privacy on all transactions.
EOS because its just amazing technology. The transaction throughput dwarfs all other blockchains combined. Once block one starts voting scam BPs (exchanges mostly) will be forced out. EOS will be a giant late this year and next. Dan Larimer is an anarcho-capitalist.
No, I won signal game international. Science rule by evidence. Many men, all science. I am genetic father to many men. What particular economic systems do the younger men prefer I work? What economic sytems do the younger men need I work?
Commoners do not know how to stop giving. Commoners only know how to give. Commoners do not know how to keep. Commoners only learn how to give. This is why Britain has a Lord House legislature.
I birthed many men. The world is ruled by my due patience so long as I appreciate my genetic sons and daughters. I win again.
See Possadism among no-one, anonymous, ruled by D-class foundation blessed in close proximity to signal intelligence lead's, knights, longterm homes.