IDENA is the new paradigm

See pic. Name one project doing decentralized identity that isn't vaporware or just a glorified centralized solution? Name one project doing cryptoUBI at this scale? Now imagine all the possibilities once IDENA moves on from experimental mainnet. This isn't a China hustle. This isn't a scam. Check the Github repo. The team is building out like mad men. This is new paradigm plain and simple.

Attached: 20200418_161357.jpg (1080x1311, 560.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I will buy a coin with american user devs vs. a chink team any day of the week

Cool idea but absolutely useless.

> post idena address.
> get DNA.

Yep, usecases need to be figured out. I'm still bullish though. I've added 1k on to my stack in a month and the team is A1 with releasing updates with the network/client. Really can't lose with 1.5m mcap.

What's the DNA token for? As far as I can understand you basically mine it, and then sell it. That's pretty much like every other token. What's so special about it?

Identity layer for ETH is a massive use case. Defi projects implementing it brings it past Chainlink's tier alone.

big brother come through for me please
Novel blockchain, AI/sybil resistant, novel consensus protocol. It's pretty much an entirely new concept, not designed to compete with Bitcoin or Ethereum (in fact, it's interoperable with Ethereum and can be used as the digital identity layer on it).

Thanks. I have visited the website already, but I don't see any clean explanations about the uses for the token (Dna) right now. You mine it, and then you sell it. That's about it, right?

>> post idena address.
>> get DNA.
youre really such a good friend

I think the usecase involving advertising is kinda bullshit now but identity sign-on and quadratic voting are both exciting. Digital identity is gonna get big in the next few years for sure. Seems like usecases for this will pop up in given time with ideas of what the network could be involved with or what other entities could positively benefit from this


Also, adding on to this, this is a good thread from archive . The one still up is ok but it doesn't have the same level of quality of discussion. That thread was a fairly honest critical perspective from token holders and people mining.

linked wrong thread


How about an invite?

create a flip (and scramble) in client using the words:

> Electronics
> Vote


In fairness the advertising was just pitched as a potential usecase not THE usecase in their pitch deck. That being said it could work still.

>actually delivered
my man


do you have another invite?

Idena is one of those projects that justify all the time spent lurking biz. It's early and there are still issues to iron out with the project but at under 2M cap this is an incredible bet.

Attached: Screenshot_20200418_174451.png (1920x999, 162.54K)

impressive, user.
i trust you won't squander this opportunity.
what's your e-mail?

[email protected]

[email protected]

ty user

Attached: acropolis-thumbs-3.jpg (560x605, 71.82K)


PL0X the pajeet is poor

Please and Thank You!!!


Idena is the best thing for biz. Imagine, DNA validated anonymous identities without that godawful captcha. This is basically just a blockchain to TRAIN AI on how to be more human. left vs right..? that's it? Flips are simple and the left/right distinction will learn quickly. This is not secure. wtf

take the FLIP test yourself. this is MINING? yeah right