if there's LINK staking then wouldn't there be LINK inflation?
LINK staking
spoonfeeding time is over faggot
yes user don't buy its scam
Seriously... all you need to know has already been spoonfed over the time all over Yas Forums ... are you to lazy to even do that research?
You're asking the wrong questions
please explain
i'm a simpleton
poor too
just trying to decide whether i want to invest
my stimulus check on LINK
you have no idea how any of this works
go do some basic research instead of posting threads here hoping to be spoonfed
Yes, there would be inflation. The people who bought into it unironically haven't thought that far ahead. That is literally the purpose of the 300mm link tokens held by the devs to incentivize the network. This is what current node operators are paid from. Effectively, this is an inflationary reward, as people who dont run nodes have the relative size of their stacks diminished.
Complete bullshit. From A to Z
what happens when the 300mm LINK tokens held by devs/LINK team run out?
You know what does not have inflation sir? Mobius sir, it's a very good coin with no inflation sir.
They create another token and exit sam
invest it in rope and neck yourself faggot there are too many retards on this board already
There's actually 1.5% inflation per month after the dev funds run out, it's in the white paper. You did read the white paper, right user?
Yes. Link is pure shit. Everyone on this board is desperately trying to get rid of their $5 bags.
How does this work? I'm sorry but I really wonder what happens when the dev fund runs out?
imagine being this new.
zoom out faggot.
considering Vitalik has confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that Chainlink is centralized and will NOT be the "one" oracle solution... staking will never be released
Lol, look everyone, it's that faggot from the other thread that will tell you how btfo you've been if you disagree with him
READ THAT AGAIN user! Your own image, read it again, with thought and understanding (if you have it) and tell me what he actually said.
I’ve noticed the fudders getting tried recently
They’re getting demoralised and sloppy when faced with the unbreakable Faustian spirit of the marines
Nulinkers are embarrassing
this. they are either priced out, or traders who got burned, or just miserable people who can't stand to do anything besides try to bring everyone down to their loser level. Not happening!
Their nu fuckos
So? They can read all the archives all they want
Who is indeed seething here? The link holders celebrating, or the few ones who sold that are now envious or want to drive the price down? Seething indeed...
Is there any better? I made a promise not to wash until staking. I seeded myself with psilocybin spores and now have growths all over me. They've burrowed into my blood. Into my brain. I'm in a constant state of extreme agony and glorious clairvoyance. The mycelium chews at my flesh and rewards with visions more real than the air you breathe. Chainlink has already reached $1000, it has always reached it. Time is just sinking round and round to that inevitable point and you are scrambling at the sides trying to climb out, but my mushrooms will have you in time.
Ok, sell all link boys oO... kidding of course
How about this user, you soap yourself up until seething! And then we laugh at you while you sell us your link?