Who are your least favorite posters on this board?

Who are your least favorite posters on this board?

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Chromia pajeets

people using overused jokes like this guy


>Who are your least favorite posters on this board?
Anonymous and that idiot Anonymous

"Anonymous" Guy is usually really based or a total faggot, weird guy.

>least favorite

i*e*a pajeets
satoj vision pajeets
tezos pajeets
BTC maximalists ( all of them are probably larpers)

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Every coinposter
I want to go back when people would actually talk about businesses they owned and ran

anti 42 posters
reddit lickers
in general white people

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is this true? I’ve lurked Yas Forums since 2017 and it’s always been crypto shills. i just assumed it was always like this

Anyone who buys altcoins is an idiot. We should have a Bitcoin only board.

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The discord tranny who tosses his PM into a metal box and plays with anime dolls

And this nigger

it's tail time

Note To Self: Don't drink the tap water at Jerry Garcia's house

i miss reluctant kneepad girl

Gex poster is unironically the best poster on Yas Forums

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Anyone who unironically defends Lightning Network and Segwit.

Pol cultists who don't shut the fuck up about jews

It's called Reddit and you should go back.

Newfag idiot

>not scatanon
Trash opinion

RSR pajeets who keep spamming about their little pathetic pump and dump

it is literally a useless project, offering nothing to the world

>user can only talk about what I say user can talk about

The newfag is you, Redditor.

The pepe poster.
Credit Spread Officer


Lmao, u suck





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She was too pure for this world.

Fuck you I like that guy.

the sap lition insider

>posts on /ck/

You're alright by me, user

AI posters, unironically