Is biz the hardest board to get banned?
Is biz the hardest board to get banned?
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mods work for soros and only delete threads with accurate info
9/11 was an inside job.
No, it our old jannies used to let us post whatever as long as it wasn't off-topic spam. Things have changed.
I get banned here like every week. You must be a pajeet chainlink bootlicker or something.
He JANOOOOOMed for your sins and mine.
It's better than /sp/, that's for sure. I'm still banned rn tho lol too bar gookmoot can't stop me using airplane mode
this has got me banned before here
the jannies either don't care or are pretty based. If they were to follow the rules half of the current open threads wouldn't exist. Biz can be pretty entertaining because of that
i've been banned before for a few days, lots of porn posting lately tho
You could flood /po/ with gore and soijaks and it would probably take days before anyone notices or takes action
ayo, what's this dudes onlyfans?
im afraid its a girl(female) and no idea if she has onlyfans
that's a man
I never get on other boards
>thread date
wtf is this
lmao, that trap is trapping you good
Exactly lmfao. It’s the least active board on the entire website
I’m on a one month ban for discussing card cracking techniques
I got banned for calling someone a tranny pedo nigger.
Guess the mod took it personally
Don’t mess with them. Truly a wholesome place
god i wish she was a male
Better: Corona is caused by 5G:
>just ignore the fact that most of the world does not have 5g, yet has coronavirus.
What is Starlink? (I've seen the satellites with my own eyes a couple weeks ago).
Also what is the common cold. diagnosed as Corona thought shit PCR tests.
>no Yas Forums membership
>turn off wifi
>using 3g-4g isp
>post on Yas Forums
You have been banned for 48 hrs
This is actually pretty standard. If I go on roaming, I always get permaban notifications.
>I believe satellites talk directly to every 5G access point
>I believe they do it on the same frequency as your fon
Never breed please.
I'm on Sprint and a range of their IP V6 addresses on their 4g network are banned due to abuse (thanks whoever did that).
Sometimes forcing 3G fixes it as it switched to IP v4 and most traffic is on 4G, so higher likelihood of somebody causing abuse.
>12 hours left
I'll see you then jan jan
Very true, Corona is in places with 5G.
True that Starlink uses 24Ghz and above, but the power that hits you from that is so little I'd be more worried about UVA and UVB and days where the UV Index is 1 and on the x-rays that go through us everyday. Pilots and flight crews have it worse though as there is more UV radiation at higher altitudes and pilots are not allowed to wear UV protecting sunglasses, so a lot of career pilots end up with eye issues earlier than the general population.
Now if they have cell phones with Starlink that pump out a retarded amount of wattage and it's against your head, then we might have an issue, even then, it's non-ionizing, so I'm not too worried.
You can get banned?
All the boring flat states have Verizon banned for Loli and other gay shit on gay boards. Usually takes me 3-4 times going into airplane mode to find a clean ip.
>Truck driver