> In 2012 Cooper bought a house in Toronto for $425,000. >worked full time and had 2 part time jobs >working up to 100 hours a week >biked to work, no vacations, no eating out >lived in basement and rented out the top > Cooper was driven by a deep desire to free himself from the stress and risks of carrying huge debt. >"For a lot of people, their mortgage is like a life sentence," he says. "I just wanted to not have a mortgage hanging over my head for the next 30 years."
Is this guy a chad or a beta? I feel like he pushed it a bit. I like it’s a smart idea to rent the top and to work max 2 jobs. But 100 hours a week and fucking biking around Toronto is pushing it imo
He's got the idea but took it too far, if you are in debt the #1 priority should be to pay off your debt.
The real sin here is being a Canadian and paying that much for a shit ass house
Leo Moore
He probably did amphetamines/meth
Wyatt Cook
took it way too far, you get cucked by taxes pushing the limit like that
he should have done in over 5, and enjoyed those 5 -rather than 100 hour weeks
Noah Sanchez
>Is this guy a chad or a beta?
Considering his strong determination and willingness to suffer personal discomfort in order to accomplish his goal this man is a chad.
He could probably conquer the world were he not canadian.
>Also, is coffee good for you?
Aiden Perez
This. I'm paying my house off in five-seven years and I'm not fucking killing myself doing it (and paying obscene tax rates in the meantime)
Dominic Lee
Nah not smart at all. There's no point in paying off the principle on low interest debt. If he's capable of grinding that hard he could have invested that money on a business.
Ian Hall
why the fuck does that thott think posting that pic online is worthwhile?
Seriously. lose some fucking weight if you want to be an attention whore and look the part. makes me sick that they actually get validated for this shit by thirsty incels
Oliver Murphy
thats a man low T faggot and/or tranny in need of dilation
Lincoln Flores
obviously gay
William Cruz
It'd make sense to keep his leverage no higher than the amount of his income for one year on a regular full time job. Any higher and you risk busting when you have a recession/depression because of a lack of income to cover you payments.
Some debt is fine, a mortgage over 6 figures becomes a weight to your ankle.
Nicholas Wright
Nah. this Low T meme is just some bullshit loser incels say to cope with the fact they have no chance with a attractive woman. It's called a buffer.
you cant get anything better so you turn it into a virtue. You know you are doing EXACTLY what women do right?
Daily reminder that in the 60s, anyone with an average job could've paid off a house in 2-4 years. Just do the math.
A McMansion in the Oakland area cost 17k, an average construction worker made 138 a week which is over 7k a year salary.
To put this into perspective, this same Oakland McMansion is probably worth 1 million in today's money; to pay it off in the same amount of time, that same construction job should be paying about 417k per year salary.
>400K house in Toronto so a tiny studio apartment? >risks his health by overworking and risks his life by biking Yep. dude is a moron.
Ian Evans
>"I don't even like ripped guys" - fat roastie >" real high T men like fat women" - incel who cant attract anything better
It's the male version of it.
Owen Adams
you actually lose money in this strategy $1 million now is worth more than $1 million 30 years from now
would of been more wise to invest in assets like stocks or a business now that can grow the money faster and just pay the debt off on the side
Josiah Nguyen
It's high effort / low return to grind yourself to a nub in order to not have a low interest payment.
Alexander Perez
>those hips how do I invest in butt fat injections? I only see this industry expanding.
Cameron Lee
>spend 3 years living a horrible life and 27 years of slightly above average vs 30 years of average sure old people will praise him for the bootstraps, but as someone who's done similar for 3-4 months its not worth it. thought about killing myself due to the stress
but he would pay much more than its price now in future. interest rates are probably high. that money 30 years from now won't be as valuable as today but the number will go up.
Andrew Bennett
> Cooper was driven by a deep desire to free himself
>buys a $425k turd in the middle of China >still has to wage cuck for the rest of his life because he lives in an expensive hellhole
>Is this guy a chad or a beta?
He's retarded, 425k is allot of money, he could've bought a bigger house in a much much better place and still have more then half left to invest. This is pure retardation.
Juan Barnes
you think youre based and redpilled but actually youre just cringe, the high t meme is a joke on fit about guys who like huge asses and tits. cringe
Connor Sullivan
The housing market is about to crash lmao get fucked landlords
Josiah Baker
This is not fit faggot, take ur little dyel meme there
Tyler Martin
Kek. Wasting years of his 20s to literally and unironically become a full time wageslave just to buy a fucking house. Do you have any doubts that this fella is a complete beta? Wouldn’t be surprised if he marries a soulless dead fish chinkoid. He really fits the stereotype.
You know who Chad is?
Chad started investing when he was 20, YOLO’d all his money, maxed all his credit cards, reached the absolute bottom but still managed to become a multimillionaire before he was 25. This guy is pathetic, lol. This is the ultimate beta and low test move, he might as well cut his balls off.
Gabriel Hall
a big advantage to buying a house is paying it off with cheaper dollars in the future.
Parker Bennett
youre that guy trying to fit in with the cool kids but actually you read "the rational male" lmfao